Elections in the United States: How the vote counting is going today – USA and Canada – International


United States lived this Friday another day of suspense that left the Democratic candidate Joe Biden one step away from reaching the necessary votes to become the president-elect of the United States, but still pending final results in four key states where there is still no final count.

(Read also: Georgia to proceed with a vote recount)

The day for Biden, who has won 253 Electoral College seats out of the 270 he needs to make it to the White House., got off on the right foot after Georgia, a state that has been running for Republican candidates for nearly 30 years (since Bill Clinton), turned in its favor. And the good news followed shortly after when President Donald Trump’s edge in Pennsylvania finally evaporated.

Something similar happened in Nevada, where he was already leading, but this advantage expanded with the passing of the hours, while in Arizona it maintained its leadership, although the president cut him some distance. But the margins, at press time, were still too narrow to declare victory.

(You may be interested in: Biden overtakes Trump in Pennsylvania scrutiny, according to media)

In Pennsylvania, which is key because a win here would put him in the Oval Office no matter what happens in the rest, the former vice president removed about 20,000 votes from Trump this Friday night, but there are still more than 100,000 to be counted.
In Georgia, the advantage was minuscule: 4,200 votes and pending of some 8,000 military ballots, which are counted later.

In Arizona, Biden He got about 38,000 votes from the president, but there are still 200,000 unaccounted for. And in Nevada, the lead was 22,500, but there were another 140,000 in the air.

During some time of the day, however, it was thought that Pennsylvania would be declared for Biden and the media would give him as the winner of the contest.
But state authorities later said they would not complete their accounts before the weekend, which postponed the celebration of the Democrats.

(Read also: The Secret Service increases protection to Biden before possible victory)

Vote counting

This is how the vote count is in the United States.



Even so, the expectation was high, because It is estimated that of those 100,000 votes a large majority will be for the former vice president and his victory could be proclaimed at any moment.

So much so that this Friday the Secret Service redoubled security for the former vice president, who is already being given almost president-elect status, and the Air Force decreed his home in Delaware as an area where it is not allowed to fly over.

Biden also planned a speech to the nation last night. But the situation remained tense. In Georgia, for example, the secretary of state announced that there would be a recount because the vote was too tight. State rules provide for this type of mechanism when the margin is less than 0.5 percent, as is the case at this time.

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But it is supposed to be one of the two campaigns that should ask for it, and I can’t do it until next November 20, once the state certifies the result of the vote.

What drew attention was that the secretary, who is a Republican, did it before that deadline, preventing the state from being added to Biden’s column. In Wisconsin, for example, the Trump campaign has already called for a recount, but the state went for Biden while that happens.

If Georgia had joined Biden’s column, the former vice president would have added 269 votes, one less than you need to win.

Trump, for his part, continued to denounce the integrity of the elections and accuse Democrats of fraud without providing evidence. His insinuations reached such a point that Twitter once again stamped the disinformation label on several trills, a day after the main television networks, including Fox, took them off the air after considering that their statements were inflammatory.

Joe biden

Joe Biden, Democratic candidate for president of the United States.

The president even, requested the intervention of the Supreme Court of Justice to suspend the counting of votes in Pennsylvania. Something that the Court cannot do at this time because the states have a period of several more days to complete their summations and present official results.

But his gesture was questioned because it gives the impression that the president was passing a collection account to the three judges he appointed in this highest legal instance in the country.

Several sources, in addition, indicated that the president had no intention of conceding defeat and that his strategy was no longer electoral (since it is considered lost), but legal. That is, trying to stay in the White House at the point of litigation. Something that is not easy because you would have to get at least three states to change the results in your favor.

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Meanwhile, in fact, his plans were to start ruling as if he had won a second term and remove FBI Director Chris Wray and Defense Secretary Mark Esper, whom he does not trust.

What about Wray, in particular, is delicate because it is the FBI that will advance most of the allegations of fraud that he himself is raising through his campaign.
Likewise, Apparently he plans to sign a series of executive orders and travel to various areas of the country, especially to these states where elections are in dispute.

Biden, although he has not declared himself the winner, has launched a transition team that is charged with beginning the interview process with potential members of his cabinet.

Likewise, it is known that he was in contact with leaders of other countries in the world who recognized him once he reached 270 votes in the Electoral College and your victory is confirmed.

But apparently, it has not been easy since Trump has not acknowledged defeat, there are vote counts in some states that have already been announced and lawsuits filed.

(Read also: Trump says Biden ‘shouldn’t’ declare himself the winner)

On the other hand, tension continued to grow in several cities in the country, such as Detroit and Philadelphia, where Trump supporters continue to denounce fraud in demonstrations that have begun to turn hostile.

Biden’s fans also released some, but the tone of these, for now, has been festive. The authorities, meanwhile, remained on high alert for the possibility of chaos unleashing once a winner is declared. At the moment, Biden accumulates about 75 million votes and Trump has already exceeded 70 million.

EL TIEMPO correspondent
On Twitter: sergom68

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