VAT refund: OECD praises the Government.


And it is that according to that multilateral body, of which Colombia is the 37th member, an initiative of this type “to channel VAT compensation, has positive effects on equity, poverty reduction, educational achievement, nutrition”, among other aspects.

The organization encouraged the Government to continue working on VAT compensation for the most vulnerable and thus contribute to a “fairer and more equitable” tax system.

In a statement, the OECD noted that in the country “income inequality is high” and remains unchanged by the tax system. He stressed that the reform to mitigate the regressivity of the VAT system “is welcome” and said that this “will contribute to reducing poverty.”


The agency said that VAT compensation is an opportunity to improve access to banking services for the vulnerable population.

“The reduction of delivery costs of the current transfer programs like Familias en Acción will be fundamental. This could be addressed by defining a universal service, a package of banking services for low-income households that ensures basic remote banking through cell phones, to guarantee access to those in remote areas, “he added.

The praise for the government’s economic policy comes just 2 days after Colombia was named an official member after 7 years of accession process.

In fact, the OECD said that given recent history, “Colombia can be proud of what an exceptional achievement really is.”

“The accession process gave Colombia the opportunity to learn from the experiences of the OECD countries. At the same time, this dialogue enriched the OECD’s knowledge and political experience, “said Secretary General Angel Gurría.


In social networks images of how the vehicle of Moisés u00e9s was, which also began to enter the world of the vallenato, transcended:




Information in development u2026

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López said that the resources to provide aid have come from the District's general budget and also from the contributions of local development funds.


He stressed that these subsidies They will cost 94,000 million pesos u00a0to cover the billing cycle of April and May.


u201cIt is a very high investment, but we do it with pleasure because we know that people need it to be able to pay for their public services u201d, he said.



n n Claudia Lu00f3pez hablu00f3 descuentos en servicios pu00fablicos en cuarentena. n n



Related article


So will be the discounts on public services in Bogot u00e1 that Claudia L u00f3pez announced



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L u00f3pez, during his announcement, stated that for this initiative it did not have the support of the Government.


u201cThe National Government has not given us a weight to be able to make this subsidy. This is done entirely with contributions from the Mayor's Office and the public service companies of Bogot u00e1 u201d.


With strong tone, characteristic in it, he reiterated next: "We have not received a penny to discount public services from the National Government. We are doing everything at our cost u201d.


A difference that seems far from fixed


And it is that the tensions between Claudia L u00f3pez and Iv u00e1n Duque are more and more frequent.



n n Ivu00e1n Duque, fiscal Francisco Barbosa y Claudia Lu00f3pez n n



Related article


Face to face, L u00f3pez surprised Duque with a claim for an investigation by the Prosecutor u00eda



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Nothing more this Wednesday, the mayor demanded the first president for the Investigation of the Prosecutor u00eda against her for not complying with the quarantine measures.


It happened at the meeting they had at the Casa de Nari u00f1o to discuss the gradual opening of the quarantine.


According to Caracol News, L u00f3pez showed Duque his disagreement because u201cla Fiscal u00eda will not have to settle their differences u201d.


Here, the mayor's message (from minute 21:51):






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Avianca's message caused quite a surprise among those who received it because The National Government has not yet confirmed that as of May 11, national flights in Colombia will resume. u00a0In fact, President Iv u00e1n Duque It was posted on April 20 that neither local nor international routes will be enabled while the country is in a health emergency, until May 30.


In the communication that Avianca sent to several of its regular travelers, it is indicated that Between May 11 and 31 there will be 7 national routes and some of them will have three daily flights.



The routes in question are: Bogot u00e1-Medell u00edn, Bogot u00e1-Cartagena, Bogot u00e1-Cali, Bogot u00e1-Barranquilla, Bogot u00e1-Santa Marta, Medell u00edn-Cali and Medell u00edn -Barranquilla.


It is estimated that in the next few hours, President Duque will tell Colombians if the quarantine scheduled until May 11 is extended or not, and what sectors of the economy will be able to resume their face-to-face work. . The airlines appear to be in that group.


This is how several users on Twitter reported the email that came to them from Avianca:













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The information was confirmed by Caracol Radio through his Twitter account; There he assured that Bol u00edvar was one of the Colombians who tested positive for this virus and lost his life because of it.


Camilo Su u00e1rez, deputy from the Amazon and indigenous Murui, was the one who confirmed the news to the media. To date, a total of 104 infections and 2 deaths have been registered in this department, one of which is the actor and will have a history of Epoc.



It is worth mentioning that Antonio was a 75-year-old man, who with his natural talent conquered several film festivals with Ciro Guerra; even, the tape that gave him national recognition led him to be at a ceremony of the u00d3scar.


It is worth mentioning that in an article of Time 2016, they commented that the artist did not live in the best conditions and his economic situation was not very favorable. However, in 2019 he participated in the series u2018Frontera verde u2019.



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In addition to companies authorized to transport passengers by road, the Government's special permit also includes special transport.


And the Ministry of Transport points out that it will have to have insurance policies that support the provision of the service and adopt the required biosafety protocols to prevent and control the spread of the coronavirus.



n n Transmilenio y flota n n



Related article


Fleets will now be able to provide public service; Will it reduce congestion on massive systems?



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So by means of the Resolution 130 of 2020, broadcast on Blu Radio, the District established that this service will be provided in Bogot u00e1 from May 1 and will remain in effect as long as the state of public calamity declared u201d by the Mayor lasts. u00eda from the capital.


The goal, says Resolution 130 of 2020 is u201c decrease the occupation in the SITP, especially the transfers that are made in the stations of the Americas Carrera 53 and Pradera with the trunk system u201d.


That means the route provided by inter-municipal buses through the Calle 13 corridor will be extended u201c in order to bring passengers closer to the downtown area and distribute the transfers to be made in seven more stations of the Trunk system u201d.



n n Ivu00e1n Duque, fiscal Francisco Barbosa y Claudia Lu00f3pez n n



Related article


Face to face, L u00f3pez surprised Duque with a claim for an investigation by the Prosecutor u00eda



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In other words, the fleets must complete the following route:


u201cCarretera de Occidente u2013 Centenario avenue u2013 calle 13 u00a0 u2013 u00a0Carrera 18 u00a0 u2013 u00a0 Calle 12 u00a0 u2013 u00a0Carrera 17 u2013 Avenida Calle 13 u2013 Avenida Centenario u2013 .


To collect and drop passengers, that route will have two routes: in the sense u2018 entering Bogota u2019 only people will be able to descend and in u00a0 the direction u2018 leaving Bogot u00e1 u2019 only passengers will be allowed to ascend in the bus stops authorized for the inter-municipal service and in the stretch of extension, previously mentioned, in the bus stops established for the SITP.


The Ministry of Mobility and the Cundinamarca Governance will evaluate the behavior of the measure, and if demand increases in other corridors of entry to the city, it will authorize new routes for inter-municipal services.

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During the conversation, which was also attended by Dr. Miguel Bettin, director of the CreSer Foundation, Manuel had no problem referring to the shadow that accompanied him for more or less 13 years.


u201cI have no qualms about saying that I am a recovering alcoholic. u201c, explained Teodoro, who added that the addict or alcoholic never ceases to be, it is something that you struggle with on a daily basis, u201c or without a pandemic, with or without parties u201d.



n n Persona fumando marihuana n n



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u201cWe are always addicts and we are always alcoholics. If I were in my active consumption right now, it is very likely that at this moment I would already be drunk u201c, added the journalist.


Also, regarding the pressure of those who are in isolation, Manuel assured that in his case he communicates with support groups of friends who live with the same problem and this has helped him a lot.


Teodoro also referred to the strength that those people need at this moment, because at any moment they can relapse.



n n Mujer con depresiu00f3n n n



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u201cI, too, am a recovering alcoholic. u201c, took the opportunity to confess Dora Glottman, and explained that it takes about a year without any liquor, and dares to confess now because it is a time when many need support.


In the case of Manuel, u00e9l has used readings related to the subject so as not to relapse, u201cla spirituality u201d and u201corar por la ma u00f1ana u201d.


Fortunately I do not live with alcoholics. I don't have a lot of closeness with friends who consume drinks, the communicator closed, and the journalist recalled in the talk the importance of asking for help when she is about to fall.


This is the recording; Manuel Teodoro's statements can be heard from minute 5: 15.




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La Resoluciu00f3n 127 del 2020u00a0contempla la suspensiu00f3n de cursos pedagu00f3gicos, de acuerdos de pago, la actualizaciu00f3n de la informaciu00f3n de comparendos y de impugnaciones, informu00f3 la Secretaru00eda de Movilidad.


Asu00ed pues, por la crisis del COVID-19, se suspenden los tu00e9rminos procesales que van desde el 17 de marzou00a0hasta el 11 de mayo de 2020u00a0en procedimientos originados por la presunta infracciu00f3n a las normas de tru00e1nsito y transporte.


Tambiu00e9n se detendru00e1n los procesos de cobro coactivo y asu00ed se congela el cobro de intereses.



n n Cu00e1mara tu00e9rmican n



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La cu00e1mara que podru00eda hacer que lo saquen de Transmilenio si tiene fiebre



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Asu00ed mismo, se suspenden los cursos pedagu00f3gicos y se conservaru00e1n los beneficios por su realizaciu00f3n. Esto, desde el du00eda de la suspensiu00f3n hasta la reanudaciu00f3n de los tu00e9rminos.


La Secretaru00eda manifestu00f3 que se detendru00e1 tambiu00e9n la atenciu00f3n a la ciudadanu00eda para temas relacionados con las facilidades de pago.



n n Claudia Lu00f3pez hablu00f3 descuentos en servicios pu00fablicos en cuarentena.n n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Asu00ed seru00e1n los descuentos en servicios pu00fablicos en Bogotu00e1 que anunciu00f3 Claudia Lu00f3pez



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En ese sentido, los infractores a los que se les haya impuesto un comparendo deberu00e1n realizar su tru00e1mite despuu00e9s del 11 de mayo de 2020, y deben tener en cuenta que no perderu00e1n beneficios que les ofrece la ley.


Movilidad recordu00f3 a los dueu00f1os de los vehu00edculos inmovilizados que deberu00e1n agendar su cita a travu00e9s de la pu00e1gina de la Secretaru00eda y llenar un formulario. Luego, recibiru00e1n su turno de agendamiento vu00eda correo electru00f3nico.

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Por lo anterior, varios de sus seguidores aplaudieron el hecho de que estu00e9 compartiendo su tiempo en cuarentena con sus seres queridos, y mu00e1s con su sobrina, de quien se declaru00f3 enamorado desde que naciu00f3.


No obstante, algunas usuarias no desaprovecharon la ocasiu00f3n para enviarle mensajes personales al reguetonero, como fue el caso de la seguidora identificada en la plataforma como Amanda Veneloff.



u201cEstoy triste porque estoy solterau201c, expresu00f3 la mujer en los comentarios de la fotografu00eda, y el paisa le respondiu00f3 de forma contundente:


u201cY lo vas a seguir por la cuarentena y por busconau201c, escribiendo la u00faltima palabra en letras mayu00fasculas.


Pese a que muchos aplaudieron el mensaje del artista, hubo otros que aseguraron que no era la forma de tratarla. Como explica en su perfil, la mujer comparte contenido para mayores de edad.


Esta es la foto:






Aquu00ed, el intercambio de comentarios:


Instagram: @jbalvin
Instagram: @jbalvin

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In un mensaje publicado en la cuenta de Twitter de la Aeronu00e1utica Civil, el director Juan Carlos Salazar aseguru00f3 que u201cel Gobierno nacional no ha definido au00fan la fecha en la cual se reactivaru00e1n los vuelos domu00e9sticosu201d ni u201clas demu00e1s actividades que estu00e1n suspendidas durante el periodo del aislamiento preventivo obligatoriou201d.


El funcionario agregu00f3 que u201cel Gobierno estu00e1 evaluando actualmente todos los escenarios e informaru00e1 de manera oportuna cualquier determinaciu00f3n en este sentidou201d.


Pese a la aclaraciu00f3n, varios usuarios de redes sociales se manifestaron desconcertados por los mensajes cruzados entre las autoridades y la compau00f1u00eda, despuu00e9s de que anunciara incluso detalles sobre las primeras frecuencias que supuestamente manejaru00e1 desde el 11 de mayo.



n n Aviancan n



Artu00edculo relacionado


u00bfY acu00e1 quu00e9 pasu00f3? Avianca estu00e1 promocionando vuelos nacionales desde el 11 de mayo



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Este fue el mensaje de la Aerocivil:



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Jair Bolsonaro hizo la acusaciu00f3n en una publicaciu00f3n en Facebook que luego eliminu00f3.u00a0u201cEsta es la Organizaciu00f3n Mundial de la Salud cuyos consejos sobre el coronavirus algunos quieren que sigau201d, escribiu00f3 el miu00e9rcoles.


u201cu00bfDeberu00edamos tambiu00e9n seguir sus lineamientos en materia de educaciu00f3n? Para niu00f1os de 0 a 4 au00f1os de edad: satisfacciu00f3n y placer cuando toquen sus cuerpos, masturbaciu00f3nu2026. Para niu00f1os de 4 a 6 au00f1os de edad: una identidad de gu00e9nero positiva; relaciones entre personas del mismo sexo. Para niu00f1os de 9 a 12 au00f1os: primera experiencia sexualu201d, indicu00f3.


Las acusaciones radicaron al parecer en otras publicaciones en redes sociales que sugeru00edan que la OMS alienta tales pru00e1cticas entre los niu00f1os.


Arthur Weintraub, un asesor de Bolsonaro, habu00eda tuiteado antes que u201cla OMS tiene directrices recomendando que se enseu00f1e a los niu00f1os de 0 a 4 au00f1os u2018masturbaciu00f3nu2019, u2018placer y diversiu00f3nu2019, u2018tocar el propio cuerpou2019 e u2018ideologu00eda y gu00e9nerou2019. u00bfEs eso correcto?u201d.


El origen de la informaciu00f3n estu00e1 en una guu00eda de 2010 llamada u2018Estu00e1ndares para la Educaciu00f3n Sexual en Europau2019, publicada por el Centro Federal alemu00e1n para la Educaciu00f3n en Salud y la oficina europea de la OMS.



Aunque no se centra en ello, la guu00eda explica brevemente a los padres y educadores que tocarse el cuerpo o tener curiosidad sexual es normal en los niu00f1os.


Pero la guu00eda no alienta a tener ninguno de los comportamientos mencionados por Bolsonaro, a quien apodan u2018Trump Tropicalu2019, porque al igual que el mandatario estadounidense es un u00e1vido usuario de las redes sociales.


El presidente brasileu00f1o ha manifestado su permanente desacuerdo con la OMS desde que comenzu00f3 la pandemia de COVID-19, a la que ha calificado de u201cgripecitau201d, considerando que las medidas de confinamiento dau00f1an la economu00eda.


Recientemente, Bolsonaro despidiu00f3 al ministro de Salud Luiz Henrique Mandetta, quien tenu00eda una postura pro-confinamiento basada en la ciencia para manejar la crisis sanitaria.

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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP890397","titles":{"main":"u00bfQuu00e9 tan bueno fue devolver el IVA en Colombia en plena crisis? OCDE lo exalta","facebook":""Ayudaru00e1 a reducir pobreza". ","seo":"Devoluciu00f3n del IVA: OCDE exalta al Gobierno. "},"phrases":{"main":"La Organizaciu00f3n para la Cooperaciu00f3n y el Desarrollo Econu00f3micosu200b cree que el Gobierno tomu00f3 una buena decisiu00f3n al retornarles a los mu00e1s necesitados el impuesto."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"economia","name":"Economu00eda"}},"urls":{"main":"/economia/devolucion-iva-ocde-exalta-gobierno-PP890397"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"david.aponte","name":"David Aponte"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Abril 30, 2020 09:33 pm","updated":1588282417,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Gobierno devolviu00f3 el IVA","credit":"Imagen ilustrativa / Getty Images.","description":"Gobierno devolviu00f3 el IVA","alt":"Gobierno devolviu00f3 el IVA","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["IVA","OCDE"],"sources":[{"title":"La OCDE global da la bienvenida a Colombia como su 37o miembro","url":"","source":"OCDE ","fuente":"OCDE "}],"related":[""],"body2":"nn

Y es que segu00fan ese organismo multilateral, del cual Colombia es el miembro nu00famero 37, una iniciativa de este tipo u201cpara canalizar la compensaciu00f3n del IVA, tiene efectos positivos en la equidad, la reducciu00f3n de la pobreza, el logro educativo, la nutriciu00f3nu201d, entre otros aspectos.


La organizaciu00f3n alentu00f3 al Gobierno a seguir trabajando en la compensaciu00f3n del IVA para los mu00e1s vulnerables y asu00ed contribuir a un sistema de impuestosu00a0 u201cmu00e1s justo y equitativou201d.


En un comunicado, la OCDE seu00f1alu00f3 que en el pau00eds u201cla desigualdad de ingresos es altau201d y se mantiene inalterada por el sistema de impuestos. Destacu00f3 queu00a0la reforma para mitigar la regresividad del sistema del IVA u201ces bienvenidau201d y dijo que esto u201ccontribuiru00e1 a reducir la pobrezau201d.



n n Economu00eda1n n



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Colombia quiere que economu00eda no sufra (tanto) luego de coronavirus, con ayuda de OCDE



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El organismo dijo que la compensaciu00f3n del IVA es una oportunidad para mejorar el acceso a los servicios bancarios para la poblaciu00f3n vulnerable.


u201cLa reducciu00f3n de costos de entrega de los actuales programas de transferencia como Familias en Acciu00f3n seru00e1 fundamental. Esto podru00eda abordarse definiendo un servicio universal, un paquete de servicios bancarios para los hogares de bajos ingresos que asegure una banca bu00e1sica a distancia a travu00e9s de los telu00e9fonos celulares, para garantizar el acceso a quienes se encuentran en zonas remotas u201d, agregu00f3.


El elogio a la polu00edtica econu00f3mica del Gobierno llega solo 2 du00edas despuu00e9s de que Colombia fue nombrada como miembro oficialu00a0luego de 7 au00f1os de proceso de adhesiu00f3n.u00a0


In fact, la OCDE dijo queu00a0teniendo en cuenta la historia reciente, u201cColombia puede estar orgullosa de lo que es realmente un logro excepcionalu201d.


u201cEl proceso de adhesiu00f3n brindu00f3 a Colombia la oportunidad aprender de las experiencias de losu00a0pau00edses de la OCDE. A la vez, este diu00e1logo enriqueciu00f3 el conocimiento y la experiencia polu00edtica de la OCDEu201d, aseguru00f3 el secretario general, Angel Gurru00eda.

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