Benefits for criminals who are brought to justice like Márquez and Santrich


In these groups, among which an estimated 7,000 armed men, are also the ‘Gulf Clan’, ‘Los Caparros’ – which constitute a dissent from the former -, ‘Los Pelusos’ or Epl and Eln, which is the only one that the Government “recognizes a political character”, according to the high commissioner for Peace, Miguel Ceballos.

But precisely, as the FARC dissent is among that list, Decree 601 of 2020 shelters the former guerrilla leaders.

'Iván Márquez' and 'Jesús Santrich'

In the explanation of the document, Ceballos indicated that the submission to justice by the members of each of those groups is possible through his office and detailed:

“There are currently legal benefits in the Penal Code so that people who submit to justice can have reduced penalties.”

For this reason, ‘Márquez’ and ‘Santrich’ “could enjoy a principle of opportunity, which has to do with the cessation of all criminal action by the authorities and also with a reduction of sentence or a pre-agreement, a benefit that in The latter will be defined by the Office of the Prosecutor, in each particular case ”. added Week.

Ceballos told the magazine that the reduction of sentences “can reach up to 50% for effective collaboration with the authorities,” but making it clear that the ordinary justice, at the head of the Prosecutor’s Office, promptly analyzes each case.

'Zarco Aldinever', 'el Paisa', and other dissidents.

However, neither the official nor the media detailed whether the background of the former ex-guerrilla leaders for having abandoned the peace process, even though they were even part of the negotiated team, could play against him. That, added to the fact that they were linked by the United States justice in drug trafficking businesses in association with the Nicolás Maduro regime, and for what they would surely be requested in extradition.

Meanwhile, Ceballos said that these legal benefits can be applied immediately, and that in the case of the Eln “there are routes for individual submission and the entrance to a demobilization line that also provides benefits to their families.”

Even that figure will already begin to apply to the Eln guerrillas who surrendered to the authorities in the last hours in Cauca.

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Among those now demobilized is a ringleader, alias ‘Palermo’, who even has an arrest warrant for the crime of a social leader.

Ceballos pointed out that the route for the members of the Eln is already set, and for the other four groups it will be set in the coming days with the aim of detailing the benefits that will be covered by several years of reintegration into civilian life, and an allowance while you are in the process.

The government’s decision to issue this decree was motivated because “since late last year, spokesmen for residual groups sent him the intention of submitting to justice, including through local leaders,” in addition to the military pressure with which he has been captured from over 11,000 criminals in the past 4 years, Caracol News pointed out.
