Prosecutor’s Office sanctions two police officers for the murder of Javier Ordóñez – Crimes – Justice


For the cruel, intentional and unfair treatment to which Javier Humberto Ordóñez was subjected at dawn on September 9 of this year, in the CAI of Villaluz, in Bogotá, the Attorney General’s Office sanctioned the police patrols on Tuesday Harby Damián Rodríguez Díaz and Juan Camilo LLoreda Cubillos with dismissal and general disability for 20 years.

The uniformed men were found disciplinary responsible, homicide and abuse of authority by arbitrary and unjust act, for which they were imposed the highest sanction that the control body can issue.

(Also read: End of disciplinary trial in Ordóñez case; police ask for acquittal)

The disciplinary ruling begins by denying the police report made by the patrolman Rodríguez on the events of the night of September 8 and the early morning of September 9.

This is because although he stated that he was with his partner on patrol, and they received a call to attend a fight in which, he said, there were 8 people, Videos from that night show that there were no fights in the area and no other people

The control body showed captures of those videos to affirm that this police report is false and a lie. Likewise, it is stated that no person is observed attacking the patrolmen and that “such is the lie of the patrolman Rodríguez that he omitted in his report that he had fired.”

Although in that police report the patrolman did not say that he fired, in the statement he gave in the disciplinary trial he admitted to having done so, although he said that it was a dissuasive shot on the floor supposedly to prevent Ordóñez from attacking Lloreda, and the friends of law student, him (Rodríguez).

(Also: On video: policemen entered Ordóñez dragged to the CAI of Villa Luz)

However, the Attorney General’s Office pointed out that there were once again falsehoods in the patrolman’s account, since in the videos no aggressive behavior is observed by Ordóñez’s friends. In fact, one of them, named Wilder Salazar, recorded when the two patrolmen made repeated discharges of the taser against Ordóñez, and then, after the arrival of another police patrol, he allowed himself to be handcuffed unopposed and without fighting, “which shows how liar of the Harby Damián Rodríguez Díaz report” in the face of Salazar’s alleged aggressiveness, the ruling reads.

Both were later transferred to the CAI of Villaluz, but the Attorney General’s Office emphasized that there is a difference of 23 seconds between Salazar’s entrance to the facility and that of Ordóñez, and that videos from the camera outside the CAI show that Ordóñez was taken down. from the police vehicle and fell abruptly on his knees, and then he was dragged upside down, “he was no longer in a position to move by his own means, as if he had done so 3 or a maximum of 5 minutes before -when he was handcuffed in the street and was able to walk to the police car- from this it must be inferred that he was beaten upon arrival “says the ruling.

Next, the Attorney General’s Office narrated how in the videos inside the CAI it is seen that at 12:24 in the morning of September 9, several police officers observe what happens in the room where Ordóñez was dragged in.

“The images allow us to observe that Juan Camilo Lloreda Cubillos mercilessly hits Javier Ordóñez with his feet and hands, and Harby Damián Rodríguez Díaz is crouched, holding the body “says the ruling, which was accompanied by captures of those videos.

Video captures inside the CAI Javier Ordóñez

In videos inside the CAI it is observed, said the Attorney General’s Office, that the patrolman Harby Damián Rodríguez Díaz (in a blue circle) holds Ordóñez’s feet while his partner Lloreda hits him.

Video captures CAI Villaluz

Several police officers were observing what was happening in the room where Ordóñez was taken.

An hour and 25 minutes after Ordóñez arrived at the CAI, the police noticed the poor state of health in which he was, they released the handcuffs on his friend Salazar, and with another friend of his, named Juan David, They proceeded to remove him loaded from the CAI to take him to a hospital.

“It can be affirmed, without any doubt, that Javier Ordóñez was subjected to physical violence despite the state of defenselessness in which he was while he was at the CAI. Without any consideration or reason and with brutality, Javier Ordóñez received forceful blows delivered by the uniformed Juan Camilo Lloreda Cubillos, while the patrolman Harby Damián Rodríguez Díaz not only watched but leaned over to hold him, all this at a time when he was on the floor, handcuffed, completely reduced, and never received help despite his laments “, says the ruling.

(You may be interested: Patrolman recognizes that Javier Ordóñez was beaten at the CAI)

Javier Ordóñez received forceful blows from the uniformed Juan Camilo Lloreda, while the patrolman Harby Damián Rodríguez Díaz not only watched but leaned over to hold him

The control body stressed that even though Ordóñez should have been treated humanely and with respect, instead of receiving “cruel treatment that caused his death,” and added that there is no doubt that the behavior of the two patrolmen “was intentional. and unfair “.

“Mr. Javier Ordóñez died in the CAI Villaluz due to the blows he received”concluded the Attorney General’s Office, which said he was the victim of a “cruel and cowardly beating” despite being handcuffed, reduced and lying on the floor.

The ruling continues by saying: “With the strong blows that began to give him since he arrived at the CAI, they caused the outbreak of his right kidney, which it caused a loss of 3,500 cubic centimeters of blood, which resulted in his death. “

And it was added that according to the statement of the coroner who examined Ordóñez’s body, it is impossible that the blows that caused his death were inflicted by himself, as the patrolman Lloreda wanted to show, who recorded a video in which he he sees Ordóñez allegedly hitting his head against a wall, “he forgot (Lloreda) in which body region he struck his victim, which was not on the head,” the Public Ministry said in this regard.

Video captures CAI Javier Ordóñez

One hour and 25 minutes after Ordóñez’s arrival at the CAI, the uniformed men together with the victim’s friends carried him out of there to take him to a hospital.

(We recommend: Doctor who performed an autopsy on Ordóñez spoke of the severity of injuries)

The Attorney General’s Office indicated that the behavior of the uniformed men is part of the crime of abuse of authority by arbitrary and unjust act, which at the same time is a disciplinary offense.

But also, like the patrol cars they beat Javier Ordóñez “brutally, ruthlessly, violently and cowardly until he exploded his kidney right and renal arteries and veins, producing a hemorrhage of such a proportion that he was killed an hour later “, The Attorney General’s Office found it proven that they also committed the crime of homicide, says the ruling that adds that this is a very serious disciplinary offense.

According to the training that the two patrollers had on their work and how they should treat people, for the Attorney General they acted consciously when committing these crimes.

For all this, the control body sanctioned the patrolmen Rodríguez Díaz and Lloreda Cubillos with dismissal and general disability for 20 years. This sanction, of first instance, was appealed by the patrolmen and it will be the Disciplinary Chamber of the Attorney General’s Office that will study the case in the second instance to determine whether or not the sanction imposed by the Delegate Attorney for the Public Force should be confirmed or not.

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