Peasant bitten by a snake was left hanging in a pulley at a height of 90 meters in Bethlehem of Umbria


Jair Lesmes was about to die after suffering a snake bite in rural area of ​​Bethlehem of Umbria, in Risaralda

The farmer was attacked by the reptile when he was working on the farm. He says that they were moments of pain and panic and that he went looking for help.

“I stood on top of him when I felt the bite. At the moment, maybe because of my nerves, I didn’t feel anything, but after 10 minutes I had dizziness and nausea, ”he says.

A friend lifted him onto the pulley to urgently take him to the hospital, but one of the ropes snagged and both were trapped.

“I was dizzy, I had no knowledge of anything, when the pulley had an accident, it was damaged, it did not go forward or backward,” he recalls.

From the air, they called for help and that was when the police looked for a rescue method. However, the tasks were very complicated since, in addition, it began to rain.

“It is done from the heights with a harness, with carabiners, pulleys and ropes, which guaranteed that this person had security and could take them to the hospital”, explains Colonel José Daniel Gualdrón, commander of the Risaralda Police.

In the middle of the rescue, at a height of 90 meters, one of the police rescuers managed to apply a serum to the peasant to stabilize him, since he was already passed out.

“It caused seizures and hemodynamic alterations and his companion, with possible shoulder dislocation, was suspended. It was possible to go down, care was given with mild but stable vital signs. He came down from the mountain, thanks to the Police and the community, ”says Javier Darío Marulanda, Risaralda’s Secretary of Health.

The dangerous maneuver ended with a successful rescue.

“At about half past six they rescued us and brought us to the hospital and thank God I am well, thanks to the police and the fire department,” says Jair.

The two rescued have already been discharged and are under medical observation at home.
