satellite images locate the train you usually use


The images place the train that is normally reserved for North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un in the North Korean city of Wonsan, amid numerous conjectures about his health.

The photographs were published by the specialized portal in that hermetic Asian country 38 North and, according to the South Korean news agency Yonhap, this Saturday, It has been parked there at least since last Tuesday.


It is a station with no access to the general public and is normally reserved for the North Korean leader, according to 38 North. The images indicate that the train was also there two days later.

Doubts about Kim’s state of health intensified in recent days because his absence was noted at important official events in North Korea, and the last time it appeared was on April 11.

Last Tuesday, the American channel CNN reported that, according to unidentified sources, Kim was in “serious danger” after a surgical operation.

South Korean authorities subtracted credit for those speculations and the South Korean intelligence services noted that “no unusual situation” was observed in its northern neighbor.

Kim Jong-un and Kim Yo-jong

Kim Jong-un, who is believed to be 36 years old, tHe has obesity problems and is a heavy smoker. Her health complications, however, are often shrouded in great mystery.

Click here to view the gallery with satellite images released by 38North.
