Donald Trump’s state of health: he is discharged from Walter Reed hospital – USA and Canada – International


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, sick with covid-19, took off his mask and raised his thumb when he arrived at the White House on Monday night. after being discharged from the hospital where he stayed for the last three days.

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The 74-year-old president returned to the White House by helicopter from Walter Reed military hospital outside Washington, shortly after announcing on Twitter his intention to “soon” resume his campaign for a second term.

As planned, Donald Trump was discharged on Monday. The US press recorded the moment in which the president walked out of the medical center.

A few minutes earlier, wearing a mask and a suit and tie, the president had walked out of the medical center before entering a black vehicle and then Marine One amid the shouts of “Four more years, Four more years” from his followers posted at the entrance. “We will be back to campaign soon!” Trump had tweeted shortly before. “The fake news only shows the fake polls,” he said.

Minutes earlier, Trump promised via Twitter that “soon” he will resume the campaign for the November 3 elections, shortly before leaving the hospital where he is being treated to continue his convalescence in the White House.

In the final stretch of a tense race for the White House, the Republican president appears behind in national polls by more than eight percentage points compared to his Democratic rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, according to the average of the RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight platforms.

Trump was hospitalized hours after testing positive for coronavirus on Friday.

What does your doctor say?

Sean Conley, personal physician to US President Donald
Trump, acknowledged this Monday that the president “It is not out of the woods” and is indeed on “unexplored ground“by other covid-19 patients due to the type of treatment they have received.

Donald trump

President of the United States Donald Trump, after leaving the hospital where he received medical treatment. He showed a good demeanor.

At a press conference shortly after Trump announced that he will return to the White House this Monday at 6:30 p.m. local time, Conley defended the decision to discharge the president from hospital after only three days in hospital, but admitted that “It may not be entirely out of the woods.”

“We are a bit in unexplored terrain, being a patient who has received the type of therapies that he has received at such an early point in his treatment,” Conley assured reporters outside the Walter Reed military hospital, where the president is being admitted.

Rain of criticism

Before his release from the hospital, a deluge of criticism took Trump for the “walk” he took on Sunday outside the Walter Reed Hospital, despite the fact that he is still sick with covid-19 and in a very contagious stage of the disease. From doctors and experts to members of the Secret Service, they classified Trump’s move as irresponsible to the extreme, both for his own health and for the message he sends to all citizens.

(Read here: US presidents who fell ill or died in their tenure)

Trump was hospitalized on Friday after his coronavirus diagnosis was confirmed. But on Sunday, the American president decided to take a ride in one of his vans to greet many of his supporters who gathered outside this military hospital in Bethesda, Maryland.

Although his “getaway” lasted a few minutes, the fact that two members of the Secret Service had to accompany him in an armored car without ventilation sparked the controversy despite the fact that all three wore masks.

“This should never have happened. We are not disposable “One of the agents who works with the president told various media, but excluding his name to avoid reprisals. For this agent, it is a frustrating situation that is repeated daily, as the president insists on maintaining a normal life without taking into consideration the recommendations of the doctors and exposing others unnecessarily.

The president’s truck is not only armored, but hermetically sealed to contain a possible chemical weapons attack. The risk of becoming infected in this space is the highest possible, beyond that assumed during a medical procedure. The degree of irresponsibility is surprising, ”said James Phillips, a doctor who works at this same hospital.

For Phillips, even more serious is the message that Trump sends when he decides to go out despite having a disease that can be fatal and is transmitted very easily.

The White House, for its part, defended the president’s decision and assured that all precautions were taken to ensure that Trump’s health and others were not put at risk.

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According to various sources, Trump was desperate for his confinement in the hospital and had been pressing for him to be discharged earlier than expected by his doctors. But, above all, because he feels that his hospitalization makes him look weak right at the moment of the final stretch of the presidential campaign.

And hence his decision to turn around in the car to show his supporters that he is still in charge of the White House and on the way to defeating the fearsome coronavirus.

Its lightness also coincided with other news that caused an impact in this same orbit. Kayleigh McEnany, Trump’s press chief, announced yesterday her positive diagnosis for covid-19.

But on Friday of last week, when it was already known that Trump and many others around him were infected, he gave a press conference to the media without wearing a mask or practicing social distancing. Which likely put dozens of communicators who do wear masks while in the White House at risk.

With it, there are already 12 people close to Trump who have tested positive. They included his wife Melania, former advisor Kellyanne Conway, campaign manager Bill Stepien, Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel, advisor Hope Hicks, former New Jersey governor Chris Christie and three senators from the party who attended the same event at the White House 10 days ago.

* Correspondent of EL TIEMPO
