Coronavirus: two doctors who became infected have darkened skin – Asia – International


For just over three months, two men were battling the coronavirus. In the end, they won the battle over the pandemic, but the victory had side effects on them.

And it is that once the contagion and the disease caused by the virus, the covid-19, have been overcome Both of them had darkened skin color.

The infection

Yi Fan and Hu Weifeng, 42, each are two Chinese doctors working at Wuhan Central Hospital, the city where the outbreak of the new coronavirus originated.

There, the doctors helped to take care of those who arrived with the contagion. However, they ceased their functions when they became infected. “Last January 18, they were given the test: they had tested positive for the virus,” said the ‘France 24’ newspaper.

As the days passed, the medical situation of both became complicated and they fell into a coma, so they had to be connected to “life support machines”, added the same medium.

What these machines do is fulfill the functions of the heart and lungs, oxygenating the blood.

Yi was online for 39 days and Hu for 54. By mid-April, they had already overcome the virus and disease, although they are still under medical care today.

The darkening

The treatments they received to survive generated changes in the bodies of the doctors. The most notorious, no doubt, was the darkening of their skin colors.

As reported by Chinese state media, such as the China Central Television Network (Cctv), This situation was due to a “hormonal imbalance due to damage caused by the coronavirus in their livers”.

In an interview with the same local media, in mid-April, Dr. Li Shusheng, who is in charge of the two cases, commented that the darkening would be related to a drug that was given to them at the start of treatment or to increased iron. in the blood.

Chinese doctors

This is how the two Chinese doctors, Yi Fan (left) and Hu Weifeng (right), looked in Cctv’s report on them in mid-April.

Of course, he made it clear that change in skin tones is temporary, and so it could be seen in Yi, who gave an interview, also to Cctv, on April 20, in which he was seen with a lighter color.

“I was disconnected from the machine on March 22, but until April 11 I was able to speak. I spent many days feeling scared and with nightmares ”, said.

It is known from the doctors that Yi is a cardiologist and Hu is a urologist, and that they are receiving psychological help.

This situation was due to a hormonal imbalance due to damages that the coronavirus caused in his livers

Until this April 24, China registered more than 82,000 infections and more than 4,600 deaths, although the Asian giant has been accused of hiding figures.

Globally, the total is more than 2.7 million infected and more than 195,000 deaths.

