Coronavirus: balance of President Iván Duque – Government – Politics


Companies in the manufacturing and construction sectors, who want to resume their productive life on April 27, will have to guarantee compliance with biosafety protocols beforehand, President Iván Duque assured in his program of balancing the pandemic on Friday. new coronavirus in e. country.

“They will begin to operate gradually and responsibly, as the protocols are adopted, they will enter the working lifel. Without them (the protocols) it will not be possible to take the step of recovering the production line, “said the President.

He added that “there is no dilemma between protection of life and social and economic development” and that the Government’s decisions “have been taken after monitoring the behavior of the pandemic and taking steps with responsibility so that more Colombians regain their productive space and overcome the havoc of employment “:

The Head of State added that although the growth of the spread of the virus should be avoided, it must be clear that this disease is present in the long term. The World Health Organization said that it can last for at least a year and we cannot beat ourselves. We have to adopt better protection practices and recover spaces for productive life, but not social life for now “Duque said.

For his part, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, José Manuel Restrepo, made it clear that the mayors “will have the key to the gradual entry of the different subsectors of manufacturing,” since they will be the ones who must monitor that companies comply with and correctly implement biosafety protocols.

The intervention occurs a few hours after the resolution that establishes the mandatory protocols to be followed by workers in the construction and manufacturing sectors, who will return to work on April 27, was issued.

This Friday, the Ministry of Health confirmed ten more deaths in Colombia from the new coronavirus. With this update, the number of deaths in the country amounts to 225.

According to the health authorities, the new deaths correspond to an 83-year-old man in Cartagena; with HTA and Epoc; a 75-year-old man in Calamar, Bolívar, with coronary heart disease, CVA, Epoc, diabetes and chronic kidney disease; a 41-year-old man in Santa Marta, with morbid obesity, and a 95-year-old woman in Cali, with Epoc, chronic atrial fibrillation, hypertension, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, hypothyroidism, and dementia.

