Peak and plate in Bogotá: they analyze the return of the restriction – Bogotá


After more than five months of general and sectorized isolation in Bogotá, where the circulation of private vehicles had decreased considerably, the ‘new reality’ returned the endless traffic jams in some corridors of the city.

These events have been reported by citizens on social networks, who have denounced delays of more than half an hour on avenues such as NQS, 68 and the South highway.

In fact, one of the images recorded by EL TIEMPO on the first weekend of this phase of economic reactivation was a monumental traffic jam on the NQS. This reality was what opened the doors for the city’s Ministry of Mobility to analyze the possibility of the return of the ‘peak and plate’ for private vehicles.

“We are monitoring every day, every hour at speed and volumes, at this moment what we are registering are lower speeds than we had before the pandemic, in February, in the fourteen main corridors, particularly in the afternoon hours “, said Nicolás Estupiñán, Secretary of Mobility.

The District stated that at this time the average speed in Bogotá is 21 kilometers per hour and if this index has a considerable decrease, the restriction of ‘peak and plate’ would return for individuals.

It should be noted that one of the objectives of not applying the measure is to prevent citizens from using public transport, since the crowds in the system increase the risk of contagion of covid-19.

“The pandemic continues, we do not want to send more people to the public transport system and above all we want to facilitate mobility for all people, such as medical service personnel, all health professionals, at this moment, it would be difficult for us to put ‘pick and plate’ generalized for all people and that is part of all the analyzes that we are developing, “added the official.

For their part, some drivers have stated that it is necessary to return the ‘peak and plate’ for individuals, because the traffic jams are longer every day.

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Time @BogotaET
