Workers’ centrals mobilize in Cartagena against the Duque government | THE UNIVERSAL


With cars, motorcycles and even bicycles, members of the different labor unions and unions in the city came out today to mobilize against the government of President Iván Duque, in the framework of a series of protests that have taken place throughout the country. today for the same purpose. (Read here: Trade unionists reject labor reform decree with caravan)

Among the reasons for the mobilization is the rejection of the “disguised” labor and pension reform contemplated by Decree 1174 of August 27, 2020, the disagreement with the Government’s $ 370 million loan to the Avianca airline, the support for the strike by the Sintracarbón workers against the multinational El Cerrejón and the demonstration against the persecution and murders in the country.

“We consider that Decree 1174 of 2020 is an authoritarian decree because it does not comply with the regular conduct that was to meet, even if it is virtually with the National Commission for Labor and Salary Agreement Policy, that is a requirement because it is a mandate of article 56 of the Constitution, ”said Gil Falcón Prasca, representative of the Central Unitary of Workers of Bolívar (CUT).

For him, the measure that includes hiring by the hour is detrimental to Colombian workers. “The euphemism is that this will solve the issue of informality, but that is a pretext to end formal contracts (…) That will undoubtedly end the minimum wage and cause people to earn lower wages , people are not going to be able to retire in such precarious conditions, “he said.

Similarly, Pedro Herrera, from the Single Union of Educators (Sudeb) expressed that it is unfair for the Government to give loans to companies like Avianca when during all this time they have demanded basic income from the Government for workers.

“It is a shame to give resources to foreign companies without any guarantee that those resources will be returned as in the case of Avianca, while there are Colombians demanding basic income from the Government to be able to face this health emergency crisis of COVID- 19, “he said.

The mobilization was carried out in compliance with the biosecurity protocols and distancing, not allowing people who were in risk groups to participate and limiting the occupation of vehicles.

Some Transcaribe users reported delays due to the mobilization.
