The owners of the party had their lease terminated: pediatrician


In the middle of the judicial process that began due to the attacks registered last Friday between residents of the La Ría building, in the north of Barranquilla, one of the victims of the brawl, the doctor Dalila Peñaranda, assured that the people who attacked her had their lease canceled by the owners of the apartment.

In statements given to the media from Legal Medicine, the health professional assured that the hosts of the party, identified as Martín Parra and Fanny Franco, were residing in the building as leased persons and that, as a result of the violent events, they were notified that they had to move.

“Fortunately, the owner of the apartment has already notified them of the termination of the lease. I count on the support of my 148 neighbors who, of course, were in solidarity with me “, Dalila Peñaranda said.

Likewise, at 11:20 am on Monday, after Mayor Jaime Pumarejo spoke out in rejection of the attacks and the permission by the building to hold the party, three uniformed members of the Barranquilla Metropolitan Police came to La Ría with intentions of impose a fine on the property manager, Glenys Barranco, as confirmed by THE HERALD.

This medium requested an interview with his assistant with the administrator of the La Ría building, but she assured that she could only attend them in one hour. It should be noted that these are the first two sanctioning actions taken after the events of last Friday.
