Comedian Alert clarifies rumors about his health after a photo that circulates on networks – Cinema and Tv – Culture


The followers of Juan Ricardo Lozano, known as ‘Alert’ or the ‘Bone Count’, were very concerned after he himself published a photograph on his Instagram account in which, apparently, he is in a hospital.

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“Friends, I am going into surgery, I ask you for prayer,” Lozano wrote, who appears with a mask, glasses and cables connected to his chest.

The comedian did not give more information on the matter in his social networks. However, a Twitter account, which calls itself a ‘parody’, published a message that set off alarms.

“I want to inform you that Juan Ricardo ‘Alert’ had a problem in an artery in the heart, which is why he is entering surgery urgently. So please I ask you a prayer for him so that everything goes well God bless you, “they wrote.

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This was the photograph that ‘Alert’ published on his Instagram account.

Given the wave of messages of solidarity from those who believed that it was the official account, including several famous people, Lozano himself clarified the situation.

In an interview with ‘Pulzo’, the comedian explained that he is in the hospital for a medical check-up, but clarified that he is in good health.

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According to this digital medium, Lozano said that the photo “was sent to a friend to tell him that he was in the hospital undergoing a checkup, clarifying that the version that he was going to be operated on for heart problems is not true“.

‘Alert’ also stated that the check-ups are necessary for heart problems and that he is waiting to know the results. And he recalled that any announcement about his health will be announced on his official social networks: @alertahumor, on Instagram and Twitter.

At the moment, the comedian has not published additional information on his social networks.

