Chadwick Boseman: 4 Ways The Black Panther Lead Inspired Kids And Adults


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Chadwick Boseman died at age 42.

The early death of the actor Chadwick boseman has left to see the mark that it marked beyond the cinema screens.

Boseman died on Friday, August 28 at age 42, a victim of Cancer.

The actor became world famous in 2018 for his starring role in Black Panther (“Black Panther”), a superhero movie with a cast of black actors that marked a milestone in the cinema.

  • Chadwick Boseman, star of “Black Panther”, dies at 42

Boseman’s death generated a wave of messages and tributes that give an account of his legacy.

These are some of the reasons why the King of Wakanda will be remembered.

1. He was the lead in the first superhero movie with a cast of black actors

Black Panther was released in 2018. Never before has there been a film produced in which main hero was played by a black actor.

Boseman played King T’Challa, the leader of Wakanda, the fictional country in Africa where the film takes place.

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Boseman played King T’Challa, leader of Wakanda.

Boseman’s prominence marked a milestone in an industry that has been criticized for its lack of diversity.

In 2014 a study analyzed the 100 films more box office of history in the United States and showed that only 8 of them had a non-white protagonist.

“You can see that in the industry people are starting to want put your money in films in which we are the protagonists, the directors or the producers, “Boseman once told the media.

  • Why the character of Chadwick Boseman in “Black Panther” is considered a landmark in the cinema

“I think that’s a change, but it’s not just Black Panther, Black Panther was just a culminating moment “added the actor.

For Boseman, Black Panther redefined what it means to be “Young, talented and black.”

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Black Panther ‘, the first Marvel film starring black actors

2. Black Panther had a big impact

Black Panther became the first film based on a comic to win a best picture nomination at the Oscars.

The film had six nominations, of which it won Best Soundtrack, Best Costume Design, and Best Production Design.

The tape was acclaimed critics and audiences alike and grossed more than $ 1 billion globally.

Kenyan Lupita Nyong’o, who plays Nakia, the story’s co-star, highlighted at the time the transcendence of the film, beyond the cinema.

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Disney / Marvel Studios


Lupita Nyong’o played Nakia.

According to Nyong’o, the film can not only lead people to “experience something mythological and folkloric,” but it also allows “reflect on some really deep and important issues”.

He stressed, for example, that the kingdom of Wakanda, of which the film speaks, was highly developed because “it was not interrupted or attacked by the colonialism“.

Black Panther was also praised for the way it represented the women.

“You see women next to men in the power and making a difference to the future of his nation in a very exemplary way, “Nyong’o.

In 2018, writer Steven Barnes called Black Panther an outstanding piece of the genre. Afrofuturism.

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Black Panther was a box office hit.

“The film mixes our past, present and future. Our spirituality, capacity to love and exercise power. It is a family and linguistic connection. Since I was a child I waited for a film like this, “Barnes said in an interview with the BBC.

3. Delivered a powerful commencement speech

Boseman graduated from the school of Artes from Howard University in Washington DC

In 2018 he returned to his alma mater to deliver the speech at the graduation ceremony.

The actor encouraged young people to find a purpose, and not just a job.

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Boseman delivered the Howard University commencement address in 2018.

“Purpose crosses disciplines. Purpose is an element essential for you. It’s the reason you are on the planet at this particular time in history, “Boseman said.

A month before the speech, Howard’s students had participated in protests that demanded greater transparency in the handling of finances, better conditions for students and more adequate responses in cases of sexual abuse on campus.

“Many of you will leave Howard and enter systems and institutions that have a history of discrimination and marginalization”Boseman said.

“The fact that they have fought with this university that they loved is a sign that they can use their education to improve the world they are entering “.

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Boseman’s death generated a wave of tributes.

“It doesn’t matter what career path they choose; Remember, the difficulties you encounter along the way are only intended to mold its purpose“Added the actor.

“Now is your time. The light of new realizations shines on you today. As you begin your paths, go ahead with pride and with a purpose ”.

4. Leaders and fans recognize his legacy

Both in life and after his death, many people recognized the importance of the figure of Boseman.

Following the news of the actor’s death, the senator Kamala harris, running for the vice presidency alongside Joe Biden, posted a photo on her Twitter in which she appears alongside Boseman.

“Chadwick Boseman was bright, kind, cultured and humbleHarris wrote. “He left very soon but his life made a difference.”

The ex-president Barack Obama He also highlighted the work of Boseman and recalled the time the actor visited the White House to share with a group of children.

“You could tell right away that he was blessed,” Obama wrote on his Twitter. “Being young, talented, and black; use that strength to give the child heroes to those who could to admire; and do all that in the midst of pain; what a way to use her years ”.

For her part, the presenter Oprah Winfrey highlighted Boseman’s fight against cancer.

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Black Panther marked a milestone in the history of cinema.

“Showing us that greatness in the middle of surgeries and chemotherapies. This is what the dignity”Winfrey wrote on her Twitter.

“He secretly fought for his life while inspired a generation of boys and girls, “he wrote in a column in the middle USA Today journalist Cydney Henderson.

In a segment of the Jimmy Fallon show that has gone viral, several Boseman fans express their gratitude for the role he has played in their lives.

“Thanks for making a movie with people who look like meme”Says one of the followers.

“My son’s childhood has been defined by Barack Obama and Black Panther, so Thank you”Says a mother with her son.

“As a creator and entrepreneur of color, watching this movie made me realize that our stories must be counted”Said another of the young women.

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