Lightning Uganda: Lightning killed children while playing soccer in Uganda | World News – Africa – International


A tragedy occurred in Uganda, where lightning killed 9 children who were playing a football match in the middle of an electrical storm, which formed suddenly and did not give them time to leave the field.

According to information that the Red Cross, one of the minors died instantly and the other 8 lost their lives during the transfer to a medical center.

According to ‘EFE’, the incident occurred on Thursday August 27 in the city of Arua, when lightning struck them; one of them, in a withering way.

According to reports from the Red Cross, there are at least 3 survivors, who are still hospitalized. It is worth noting that the victims were between 13 and 15 years old.

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So far there are no further details on the health status of the survivors. The truth is they remain hospitalized and under rigorous observation.

Josephine Angucia, a police spokeswoman for that area of ​​Uganda, did not give further details to the local media – beyond what has already been mentioned – and said that the police force will investigate what it calls “a tragic accident.”

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According to ‘EFE’, thunderstorms in Uganda are common.

In 2011, a similar tragedy occurred, only, on that occasion, the storm did not hit a soccer field, but a primary school, killing 18 children.

(It may interest you: A young woman is considered dead and at the funeral home they discover that she was alive)

