Covid-19 outbreak in nine patients from Antioquia


This Thursday, Antioquia not only reached 501 cases of the new coronavirus, but also reported for the first time that there are at least nine patients who were already counted as recovered, but who returned with symptoms.

These are seven people who are located in Medellín, one in Copacabana and the other in Envigado. According to the departmental administration, this is part of a dynamic that the virus has and that has occurred in other parts of the world.

“There are some cases of recurrence, that is, even after the patient has negative results on his second test, again, he can be positive and the symptoms reappear. Thus, the person returns to statistics as an active case, so it is necessary to take prevention and isolation measures again, “explained the Antioquia Health Section.

The authorities are already studying the seven recurrent patients, a task that will be carried out jointly between the Government and the National Institute of Health (INS).

The World Health Organization has given clues on the subject. On the one hand, last month he explained that not all people develop antibodies effectively, however he said that it is a field that is still under study. Also, he stressed, it may be because the organism continues to expel remains of the virus for a few weeks, so it may not be a reinfection.

Still, an article published by Coachrane Iberoamérica noted that “there is not enough evidence to confirm that reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 is possible.”

More than 500 cases

In the new INS report, for Thursday it was reported that Antioquia added 10 new cases of covid-19, with which the department reached 501 positives since the pandemic began.

All the patients are located in Medellín. The Government indicated that all are identified, in a state of isolation and under epidemiological surveillance.

Of the department’s 501 cases, 246 are women and 255 are men. The number of patients with the active virus rose to 104 (76 in Medellín) and the number of recoveries reached 391.

The rest of patients who have not yet overcome the disease are distributed in the following municipalities: Bello (8), Copacabana (6), La Estrella (2), Itagüí (3), Cisneros (1), El Carmen de Viboral (1) , El Bagre (1), Envigado (2), Ituango (3) and Rionegro (1).

There are 10 people hospitalized by the virus, four of them in an intensive care unit.
