Government will rotate $ 213 billion to cover debt of 543 public hospitals in the country


The President of the Republic, Iván Duque Márquez, in his speech on Thursday reported on the new figures presented in the country and in the world as a consequence of the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19).

Duque Márquez invited the president of Inexmoda, Carlos Eduardo Botero, to his work table, to inform Colombians that this year Colombiamoda will operate virtually and that it will have more than 15 thousand participants.

»With this digital fair they do not intend to have the results obtained in the 30 years of the event, but they do want Colombiamoda 2020 to be a« platform that helps generate business opportunities », in addition to bringing hope to the sector in a complex moment» Botero explained.

Subsequently, the first president gave the floor to the National Director of Planning, Luis Alberto Rodríguez, to make known the second stage of the ‘Solidarity Income’ social protection program that will benefit the most vulnerable families in the country.

” Next week exactly on May 21 we will already make the second turn, I reiterate this Friday more than 2 million homes would receive 160 thousand pesos and from next week (Thursday) we will start with the second turn to all those homes that already received And for those who are missing us, who are close to 1 million, we will join the two turns with the month of May and 320 thousand will arrive, ” said Rodríguez.

The Head of State gave the floor to the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Fernando Ruiz, to explain to the Colombians about Resolution 753 that was issued this Thursday for the payment of the debt of health workers.

‘’ We have issued Resolution 753, initially we are going to pay 213 billion pesos to 543 public hospitals in the country in order to cover the payroll arrears between the months of January, February and March of this year. This turn is going to be made based on some letters that I am already sending to each of these hospitals. In the resolution are the names of each of these along with the amounts for the payment of these overdue payrolls, ’’ said the head of the Health portfolio.
