Will they decree an internal commotion in the Amazon?


Fernando Ruíz says that extraordinary measures must be taken in the next few hours to stop the spread of COVID-19.

The Minister of Health has said that the situation is critical because there are many cases in indigenous people, in the general population and in the Leticia prison.

“Under the connotation of the decree of internal commotion we consider that they should be applied in the shortest term in the Amazon. This includes a significant reduction in the exceptions to preventive isolation, support for the confinement of some areas of the city and for containment, and significant support in the provision of some markets so that the population can pass the confinement, “said the Minister Ruiz.

In the next few hours, the Interior Ministry will deliver a resolution with drastic controls for the population in this department.

From Leticia, a doctor told Noticias Caracol how the situation is progressing to stop the epidemic:
