Danna García tests positive for Covid-19 for the third time


May 13, 2020 – 06:54 p. m.

Drafting of El País

Through a publication on her social networks, the Colombian actress Danna García commented that after having a new test to detect the coronavirus, she received a positive result; the third since the disease was diagnosed in early March.

“I am positive for coronavirus again. I am speechless. Thank you all for the support,” the artist wrote on her Instagram account this Wednesday.

García, who resides in Mexico and would have contracted the virus during a trip to Spain, was diagnosed for the first time in March and even had to be admitted to a healthcare center because her lungs became inflamed.

In mid-April, the actress underwent a second test, the result of which was positive, and by the end of that month, a third test was performed, which yielded negative, however, an additional test had to be performed to confirm that she was no longer a carrier of the virus. In the last hours he received the results that again confirm his contagion of the new coronavirus.

Also read: Humanity will have to learn to live with Covid-19, “since it will not disappear,” says WHO

“It seems that those with low defenses are reactivated and that our body has not finished killing the virus,” said the actress on Instagram Live, adding that she is stable and carrying out the care recommended by health authorities.

Danna García had reported last month at Univisión that she had been the victim of discrimination by her neighbors, who had asked that their homes not be brought up to her apartment and that she be prevented from using the common areas of the building.

During her interview on that television program, the actress also commented that she did not see her two-year-old son a couple of months ago and that, when she was diagnosed with Covid-19 for the first time, she gave “instructions on what she wanted me to do with my little one, what was my will “.
