Coronavirus; Government announces reliefs to the education sector – Education – Life


The Government announced this Wednesday a series of aid to the educational sector, including a line of credit for institutions, a fund for parents and more relief for Icetex beneficiaries, this in response to the multiple requests received in recent weeks.

One of the most important measures is that, in addition to the reliefs already announced to Icetex beneficiaries, a reduction in interest is added to the value of the CPI for strata 1, 2 and 3 until it will rule until December.

An extension of the benefit of interruption of payments of credit installments was also announced, as well as the opening of new quotas for those who want to access the other benefits of the entity.

(Also read: Universities are preparing to return to class with financial doubts)

The Minister of Education, María Victoria Angulo pointed out a line of credits destined to the financing of the educational institutions that are distributed as follows:

To preschool, basic and middle education, a credit line whose funds are 1 trillion pesos, with government guarantees of 80 percent, a payment period of up to 36 months. These resources will be used to pay the establishments’ payroll.

(Also read: Free and online courses from prestigious universities around the world)

As for matters related to Higher Education institutions, another line of credit was approved, this time with resources of 1.5 trillion pesos with the same conditions.

For students from public universities, resources of up to 97,000 million pesos were allocated to finance enrollment of students from strata 1 and 2.

Faced with requests from parents regarding the payment of pensions, the official said that she created a Solidarity Fund for Education to meet their needs and reduce the impact of covid-19 on their economy.

EDUCATION – @ EducaciónET
