Vacancies available for quarantined contact centers | Employment | Economy


In the middle of the conjuncture generated by the pandemic More than 36 companies in the Contact Center and BPO industry are expected to create some 15,986 jobs.

(Virtual work: this is how the quarantined labor market moves).

Around 9,500 of the contracts will be carried out in Bogotá, 3,100 in Medellín, 1,150 in Barranquilla and 765 in Eje Cafetero.

The profiles they are looking to fill the vacancies are, mostly agents to attend accounts in Spanish and English. Similarly, companies have jobs for engineers and developers, quality leaders, sales consultants and technical personnel.

Those interested in applying for vacancies can upload their resume on the website, where the profiles of all the applicants will be added and made available to companies so that they can carry out their selection processes of personal.

In this initiative of the Colombian Association of BPO-BPrO, more than 36 companies in the sector were consulted about their hiring plans within a period of up to six months. In addition, in alliance with the foreign investment promotion agency Invest in Bogota and the Talentu company, this job offer is channeled in order to generate more employment in the country. Nearly half of the companies consulted assured that their hiring plans will be advanced immediately or in the next month.

“Our priority is to preserve the health of our collaborators, for which we have adopted, in coordination with the authorities, the strictest international prevention protocols. 78,000 are already working at home and we move more daily “
, assured Ana Karina Quessep, executive president of BPrO.

Additionally, the executive director of Invest in Bogota, Juan Gabriel Pérez, indicated: “In a scenario of economic reactivation like the one we expect the city to experience gradually, companies in the BPO sector are a player of great relevance thanks to the number of jobs they can generate.”

The executive also recalled that more than 40% of contact centers operating in the country are of foreign capital.
