Discovered party called by networks apparently with patients with coronavirus


May 12, 2020 – 06:56 p. m.

Drafting of El País

The mayor Jorge Iván Ospina himself broke into a party that took place this afternoon in the north of Cali, called by WhatsApp and in which people with Covid-19 appeared to be.

The incident occurred in a house in the Paso del Comercio neighborhood, where there were at least 20 people, and where there was alcohol and drug use, Ospina said.

Subsequently, it was indicated that sexual practices were also being carried out.

The Secretary of Security of Cali, Carlos Rojas, explained that the case was known through a citizen complaint.

“We received a complaint during the afternoon of a meeting of 20 people in a house, in a residential area, in which they were in activities that were violating the quarantine. They were, in addition to that, in a sexual encounter with liquor and drugs on board, “said the official.

A citizen complaint was key for the authorities to stop the party on the afternoon of this Tuesday.

Photo: Raúl Palacios | The country

He said that among the captured people there was a man with a temperature above 38 degrees, who will be taken to a health center to verify his diagnosis.

“In such a case, if he has a positive Covid, possibly the other people who were in that prostitution event would also have possible contact with Covid,” he emphasized.

This was the message with which they called a “party” in a house in Paso del Comercio.

Image: Special for El País

He added that the people who were at said party were between 25 and 45 years old. Mayor Ospina indicated that they were being charged 10,000 pesos for participating in the party.

This is how they stopped the rumba

A citizen complaint was key to alert the authorities of the party that had been called since 2:00 p.m.

That alert motivated an operation with the Police and officials from the Ministry of Health who arrived with patrols and ambulances to that neighborhood in northern Cali.

“It was an irresponsible party,” said Mayor Ospina, who was leading the operation in the middle of the residential neighborhood.

“These are people who circumvent the health authority, violate the quarantine. There were numerous people in a space of about 30 square meters,” he said.

He indicated that the party was between strangers “with all morbid and dangerous intent. We are in a case of suspected Covid-19 patients who are having a party to share this complicated situation with each other.”

The authorities entered the house and began to capture each of the people who were in the place, previously taking their temperature and uploading them to a police patrol to begin their judicial process.

In Cali there are 1108 cases of Covid-19 and 56 deaths, according to the Ministry of Health with a court this Tuesday.

The authorities indicated that one of the people who was in the house had more than 38 degrees of temperature, so he was transferred to a hospital center to perform a Covid-19 test.

Photo: Raúl Palacios | The country

Wait for further news …
