Johnson & Johnson to Produce 1 Billion Coronavirus Vaccines


According to Stoffels, The North American company plans to develop and produce close to 1 billion doses of the coronavirus vaccine by early next year., indicated in the news network.

“We are going to start human tests in September and we hope to have enough data by the end of 2020. We are working to have 1 billion vaccines by 2021,” the official said in the newsletter.


Stoffels, likewise, emphasized in the US newscast that Johnson & Johnson could have the antidote available this year, but its immediate use would depend on the health authorities, since they have to verify its effectiveness and that takes time.

Like Bill Gates and Donald Trump, the Belgian epidemiologist noted on ABC News that the COVID-19 vaccine will be the fastest developing vaccine in all of human history.

“Due to the pandemic, production and manufacturing processes are moving in a substantially accelerated time frame,” added Paul Stoffels on television.

Although he did not give an exact date, Trump assured a week ago on Fox News – during the relaunch of his presidential campaign – that the antidote would be ready in the United States before the end of the year.

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On April 25, meanwhile, The World Health Organization (WHO) noted that there are more than five vaccines that are being tested in humans., and another 70 treatments are in development.

Currently, there are several countries and pharmaceutical companies that are working on an efficient cure to combat COVID-19, which has so far caused more than 280,000 deaths worldwide.
