Gypsy moths join Asian hornet and alert the United States – USA and Canada – International


Gypsy moths are alarming after their appearance, for the first time, in the state of Washington, in the United States, because they create a risk to nature.

Its massive presence has the authorities concerned, because They can cause severe weakening in trees and shrubs, causing the death of large forests, orchards or gardens, as reported by the diario ‘Clarín’.

According to state governor Jay Inslee’s statements, “This imminent danger of infestation puts Washington’s agricultural and horticultural industries at grave risk.”

This insect, scientifically called Lymantria dispar, can affect the economic well-being and quality of life of the inhabitants of the state, according to the official.

Following the massive presence of this moth, the Governor declared a state of emergency in Snohomish County, according to ‘CNN’.

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The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of the United States Department of Agriculture affirmed, in statements collected by the same means, that the gypsy moth can completely destroy a forest of trees.

gypsy moth

The gypsy moth has the ability to destroy crops of large areas after attacking one of the plants.

The insect is from Europe and Asia. However, it is not the first time that it appears in the United States. From 1860 it expanded to the North American country, according to press information and, from that moment, it caused millionaire damages in the country’s timber forests. Now the alert is for the large population there is.

Females of this species can lay more than 100 eggs, according to US authorities. And the caterpillars get to chew more than 500 species of trees and shrubs.

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The gypsy moth caterpillars feed at night and hide during the day: they descend from the trees to the ground to avoid predators, the media outlet ‘ABC’ explained.

Thus, in Washington state they are on alert to combat the effects of this animal on crops and forests.

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