With beak and ID, people over 80 can get vaccinated without an appointment in Bogotá


This was announced by the Secretary of Health, Alejandro Gómez, who reported that from March 16 to Sunday 21, all adults over 80 years of age who have not been scheduled may be vaccinated at the IPS or the nearest vaccination center, but complying with this restriction to avoid crowds.

During the third week of March, all those adults over 80 years of age who have not yet received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine may do so without the need for an appointment, but following the restriction of the peak and ID. That is, those who have ID cards ending in numbers 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8, will be able to attend on even days and those whose documents end in numbers 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9, on odd days.

To do so, they must attend, together with a family member or caregiver, the IPS of trust that has a vaccination point enabled, or the coliseums and institutions that are located closer to the residence, which will have an office hours of 7:00 a.m. at 6:00 pm

“We understand that some people over 80 years of age have not been able to go to the vaccination points because they have not been able to be scheduled, due to lack of data updates or due to time restrictions; Regardless of the reason, we want them to go to their closest IPS from tomorrow to receive the vaccine and that we can finish the vaccination process for this population this week, ”said the Secretary of Health, Alejandro Gómez.

Pasture: Coronavirus in Bogotá: 756 new cases were reported this Saturday

However, it must be emphasized that all those who already have an appointment in which the day and time to be vaccinated are specified, must comply with it, since this measure does not change the scheduling process that the EPS are currently carrying out and it is only carried out to facilitate coverage of the entirety of this prioritized population.

The Ministry of Health assured that all doses for the elderly are guaranteed, while the Minister of Health, Fernando Ruíz, emphasized that all vaccination points must follow biosafety protocols such as use of masks, physical distancing and hand hygiene, in addition to allowing the entry of a single companion, so as not to generate crowds at these points. So far, Bogotá has applied a total of 173,297 doses with a cutoff at 5:00 pm on March 14.
