Cured patients retest positive for coronavirus for this reason.


According to Kerkhove, Recovered patients may test positive for COVID-19 again, a few weeks after leaving the hospital, by exhaling withered debris from the lungs, he indicated in an interview with the BBC.

“What actually happens is that while the lungs heal, some of their dead cells are expelled. It is these fragments that are testing positive, ”said the American in the English news program.

The epidemiologist, who is also the director of the WHO Emergency Program, emphasized in the news network that this is not about reinfection or reactivation of the virus, it is simply part of the recovery process.

The South Korean Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (KCDC), meanwhile, They reported in a statement that recovered patients may keep small remnants of the virus in their bodies, not the lungs., which causes them to test positive again.

The entity, however, assured in the document that these residues would not affect human cells again and would not cause reinfection, since they are dead fragments of the coronavirus.

Regarding the immunity that a person can create after passing COVID-19, Maria Van Kerkhove was clear and He reiterated that the health body currently does not have enough studies and evidence to guarantee this.

“What we know so far is that when a patient is infected, they develop antibodies and display part of an immune response within one to three weeks after infection,” he said on the BBC.

According to the latest Johns Hopkins University report, 257,976 deaths associated with the virus and more than 3.5 million confirmed cases of transmission have been recorded so far in the world, being the United States the country most affected by the pandemic.

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According to The Telegraph newspaper, the specialist in the spread of disease, broke mandatory isolation twice by allowing Antonia Staats, a married woman with children, He would cross London to visit him at his home.


I accept that I made a judgment error and took the wrong course of action. For this reason, I have taken a step back in my activity in the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies u201d, The 51-year-old epidemiologist said in a statement.


The scientist, in addition, points to the document that he regrets u201cprimarily of any impairment of the message of the need for social distance to control this devastating pandemic u201d.



n n Coronavirus en el Reino Unido n n



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United Kingdom reports 32,000 deaths from COVID-19, the second highest number in the world



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In mid-March, Ferguson released a report in which he claimed that the UK was facing an estimate of 260,000 deaths from COVID-19, if it did not toughen the social isolation measures.


Few days later, on March 23, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered mandatory house confinement (with some exceptions), measure that continues in force in that country.


Despite the fact that the English government says that they are less, according to the National Statistics Office (ONS), 32,313 outbreak-associated deaths have been reported so far in the UK, being the second nation most affected in the world by the pandemic.

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This, despite the fact that those affected by the coronavirus have increased, Citytv highlighted. If the quarantine had not been decreed in time, the country could register 900,000 infections, the media added, citing several specialists.


Mar u00eda Fernanda Guti u00e9rrez, a virologist from the Javeriana University, explained in the newsletter that, had it not been for the isolation, the situation would have been much worse.


u201c Cases are increasing a lot, and the health services would not have been able to cope, he said.



n n Suben los casos de COVID-19 en Bogotu00e1. n n



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High number of infections by COVID-19 in a single day continues to worry Bogot u00e1



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Dionne Cruz, president of the Colombian Association of Public Health, told that newspaper that preventive isolation has been the best strategy to fight against the expansion of COVID-19 and must be maintained.


The newscast, citing other experts, said it is necessary to carry out massive tests and extend the quarantine while the capacity of the health centers is enhanced.


In this sense, Miguel Mantilla, scientific director of Quimiolab, recalled that the Ministry of Health has proposed that it have a processing capacity of 10,000 samples daily, work in which the pharmaceutical industry is working.



n n Coronavirus en Colombia n n



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With the highest daily report, Colombia has already exceeded 8,000 infected



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Although the measures have mitigated the increase in the rate of infection, cases will continue to increase. u00a0


Proof of this is that this Tuesday the pa u00eds recorded u00f3 u00a08.613 and 378 deaths from the coronavirus. u00a0In fact, with 640 new cases, This has been the most complex day for the country in terms of numbers since the pandemic began.


That s u00ed, although the more than 8,000 registered cases is a worrying figure, it is not even 1% of the catastrophic panorama that the experts painted if measures had not been taken.

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Santiago Alarc u00f3n shared a video in which he assures that when evidencing that many tweeters are reading sections of books, poetry and stories, it occurred to him to make his own declamation.


The original thing is that he did it with reguet u00f3n. In the recording, Alarc u00f3n is reciting, with the intonation and the face of someone who reads poems, but uses the lyrics of the song u2018 Sin pijama u2019, by Becky G and Natti Natasha.


Alone, alone in the room. Seek you seek my heat, uoh-oh, no, no. He wants a remedy for your pain, nobody does it better than me, uoh-oh, no no. Don't let your excitement go off, you know that I won't let you down. Calm down u2019 I'm on my way love u201d, declared Alarc u00f3n.



Because of the fun dynamics of the protagonist of u2018The man is Germ u00e1n u2019, Martha Isabel Bola u00f1os, known for her role as u2018Pupuchurra u2019 in u2018I am Betty, the ugly u2019, He was measured to declaim one of Bad Bunny's most recent u00e9 successes: u2018Yo Perreo Alone u2019.


u201c Before you pecked me, you pecked me, now I pecked (hmm nah), before you did not want, I did not want, now I do not want (hmm, no), before you You pecked me, you pecked me), now I peck (haha), before you did not want, now I do not want. u00a0No, calm down. u00a0I perreo alone, hmmm, I perreo alone u201d, recit u00f3 Ball u00f1os.


Below, the video of Santiago Alarc u00f3n and the u2018Pupuchurra u2019:







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The hypothesis was put forth by Ruiz after President Iv u00e1n asked him, during the official broadcast this Tuesday, What were the scientific bases to allow children from 6 to 17 years old to only be able to go out for half an hour a day three times a week.


We know that having children in confinement is complex for families and is a difficult exercise. As we have said extensively, the child is the main transmitter of the Covid to the extent that he has u2026 children when they get together, when they are very close to them, and not only from Covid but from any respiratory infection, have a higher contagion rate, the official said, although with some difficulty in rounding up. this argument.



n n Niu00f1os podru00e1n salir en cuarentena n n



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Neither of them will be able to go out to play in quarantine, but only half an hour and from this age



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Ruiz explained that the risk is that minors can unknowingly pick up the virus and take it home, an issue that President Duque had previously spoken about, warning of the plight of minors touching the handrail and other metallic elements in the parks.


u201cAbout 70% of children live with a person over 70 within their residence, and that leads to a very high probability of contagion in the elderly. So, having a measure and a gradualness is important, because if there is something that we would like is to have our children on the street playing, having fun and sunbathing, he stressed.


In the end, the minister said that the objective of this measure is for families to understand how to care for their children and follow the established protocols to avoid infections, as according to the norm, the minors between 6 and 14 years old must go out with a companion.


Regarding this person, President Duque said that he cannot be an adult over 70 years old or a patient who has health risks, and that he should remain vigilant of the little one while having fun. .



n n Coronavirus en Colomia n n



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And it is that according to a report by the World Health Organization (WHO), the cases of children with COVID-19 and pediatric shock are considered very isolated, and it is noted that a large Most infected children have had mild symptoms of the disease.


These are the approaches of Minister Ruiz.



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The governor of Cundinamarca, Nicol u00e1s Garc u00eda, said this Tuesday that the Ministry of the Interior has already given its approval and only that of the Ministry of Health is missing to authorize the resumption of the majority of activities in that municipality located south of Bogot u00e1.


In Guti u00e9rrez, its geographical location of difficult access has allowed it to remain isolated more easily, but in the face of this new stage, the Police will keep its borders closed, added u00f3 Garc u00eda.




The mayor of the municipality, Juan Pablo S u00e1nchez, continued to The Time that Guti u00e9rrez is a kind of u201c hidden municipality u201d: it has only one access, it does not have great tourist activity and it is not crossed by u201cv u00edas national and departmental, nor forced passages u201d.



n n Coronavirus en Colomia n n



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Challenging regulations for the hundreds of municipalities that will be reactivated almost entirely



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However, the opening will not be total. S u00e1nchez explained that bars, nightclubs and hairdressers will be the exception, the first two being a not-so-necessary issue and the third due to excessive contact u201d. Likewise, the newspaper added that only those who have reasons of force majeure, that is, due to supplies, may enter, since Guti u00e9rrez is a producer of beans and corn.



Governor Garc u00eda explained in the program Hora 20 on Caracol Radio That this will be a pilot plan that could be implemented in dozens of municipalities in the country that have also not registered cases of COVID-19. Among these, he mentioned four other places in Cundinamarca that are thinking of forming a u201cmicrorregi u00f3n u201d oriented to reactivate. These are Caparrap u00ed, La Palma, Topaip u00ed and Yacop u00ed, in the north of the department.



According to RCN NewsOf the 1,102 municipalities in the country, only 233 have been infected with coronavirus. Of the rest, several have already started to walk the Guti u00e9rrez road and will observe carefully how its reopening occurs.



n n Kennedy n n



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Prepare: these will be the 4 hours for the economic reactivation in Bogot u00e1



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For example, in Santander there are 80 of 87 municipalities that have no cases, while in Bol u00edvar there are 38 of 46 and in Atl u00e1ntico 10 of 23 municipalities, added that newscast.

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Thanks to the fact that they have not registered any case of COVID-19 since the virus reached the country, the Ministry of Health will allow them to open their productive life, but with some clear restrictions, which will mean a responsibility challenge for its inhabitants.


That s u00ed, the mayors must take into account that the authorization of the Ministry of the Interior will be necessary, and for this they must send the request.


It is the totality of municipalities of 6 departments: Putumayo, Vichada, Vaup u00e9s, Guaviare, Guain u00eda and Arauca; while another great number of the largest ones like Antioquia, Boyac u00e1, Cundinamarca, Santander, Nari u00f1o that do not have affectation.



n n Ivu00e1n Duque n n



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[Video] u00a1Let's go for two more weeks! Duque makes the quarantine extension official



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Once they have the permit, they should be clear that crowds for cultural or sporting events are still not allowed, bars and nightclubs will not function u2014 keeping restrictions on the sale of alcohol u2014, while restaurants will continue to operate only to collect food or for addresses.


Furthermore, the Government explained, the arrival of people from outside the municipality will not be allowed; that is to say, it will be able to reactivate inside but without transit to other nearby towns.



n n Venta de carros y otros negocios que se reactivaru00e1n en cuarentena n n



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Car sales and other businesses that will start engines to work since May 11



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The vice president, Marta Luc u00eda Ram u00edrez, assured that the protocols will be ready this Thursday and whose objective will be to protect those territories but under a very high degree of responsibility.


Eso significa, segu00fan las estimaciones de la Vicepresidencia, que al retomar su actividad productiva u201cse estu00e1 recuperando cerca del 30 % del producto brutou201d.


Este es el anuncio:


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Las empresas que hacen parte de los sectores ya autorizados para trabajar y vienen adelantando el proceso para obtener los permisos con protocolos de bioseguridad establecidos seguiru00e1n por el mismo camino, pero la mayoru00eda de los colombianos seguiru00e1 en aislamiento.


Sin embargo, desde el 11 de mayo habru00e1 flexibilidad en algunas zonas del pau00eds, en especial para la mayoru00eda de comerciantes de territorios donde no se ha confirmado ningu00fan caso de COVID-19. Es decir, para alrededor de 800 municipios.



n n Coronavirus en Colombian n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Con el reporte diario mu00e1s alto, Colombia ya sobrepasu00f3 los 8.000 contagiados



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Por supuesto, cada mandatario deberu00e1 tener tambiu00e9n protocolos establecidos para garantizar una reapertura controlada y con restricciones para desplazarse a otras poblaciones.


Ademu00e1s, habru00e1 otras reglas: no se permitiru00e1n aglomeraciones por eventos de entretenimiento o deportivos, tampoco se habilitaru00e1n bares y los restaurantes seguiru00e1n funcionando solo a domicilio.


Tambiu00e9n habru00e1 un alivio para padres de familia, pues los niu00f1os de 6 a 17 podru00e1n salir durante media hora tres veces a la semana.



n n Niu00f1os podru00e1n salir en cuarentenan n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Niu00f1os podru00e1n salir a jugar en cuarentena, pero solo media hora y a partir de esta edad



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Mientras tanto, tambiu00e9n habru00e1 permisos especiales para algunos industriales,u00a0ventas al por mayor de automotores y ventas de muebles; las lavanderias que podru00e1n prestar servicio au00a0domicilio, y tambiu00e9n se consideraru00e1n a las papelerias y librerias.


Sin embargo, el Ministerio de Comercio hizo la salvedad de que, nuevamente, seru00e1n los mandatarios locales los que determinaru00e1n las reglas puntuales para la salida de estos sectores.


Este es el anuncio en detalle:




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El actor sostuvo una conversaciu00f3n con el programa u2018Lo su00e9 todou2019, en donde hablu00f3 de las escenas de sexo que tuvo junto a Isabel Burr, quien interpretu00f3 a Virginia de la Mora (Veru00f3nica Castro) cuando era joven.


Durante la charla, Javier aprovechu00f3 para mostrar u201cel vestuariou201d (una bolsa de tela) que usu00f3 para cubrir su miembro durante las grabaciones en las que, para el ojo del televidente, estaba totalmente desnudo.



u201cEsto es lo que te pones y con esto te lo amarras para que no se vaya a caer, por si acaso. Esto era todo [u2026] Pero que conste, me apretabau201c, contu00f3 Jattin con gracia ante las cu00e1maras del programa.


El artista, que se dio a conocer a nivel nacional al protagonizar u2018Chepe fortunau2019, tambiu00e9n comentu00f3 que se sintiu00f3 muy cu00f3modo al hacer este tipo de escenas, pues los seguidores de la producciu00f3n las sintieron muy genuinas y necesarias en el desarrollo de la historia.


Aquu00ed, las imu00e1genes que fueron difundidas en Twitter:



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La vicepresidenta, Marta Lucu00eda Ramu00edrez, indicu00f3 que lo importante es u201cavanzar con responsabilidadu201d y segu00fan los anu00e1lisis de los expertos que consultan, los sectores econu00f3micos que tendru00e1n actividad nuevamente tienen u201cbajo riesgo de contagio con el protocolo adecuadou201d.


A esas empresas se sumaru00e1n alrededor de 880 municipios en todo el pau00eds, y justificu00f3 esa decisiu00f3n del Ejecutivo en que no solo se quiere cuidar la salud y recuperar la vida productiva sino u201cevitar el empobrecimientou201d:



n n Coronavirus en Colombian n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Las 16 actividades que tendru00e1n permiso de funcionar en nueva etapa de cuarentena



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u201cLos indicadores y la curva estu00e1n mejor que en varios pau00edses. Lo mejor es que lo mu00e1s pronto posible la gente recupere su actividad productiva y recupere su trabajo porque de lo contrario estaru00edamos empobreciendo a los colombianos. En los cu00e1lculos que hicimos encontramos que si mantenu00edamos este pau00eds en aislamiento podu00edamos aumentar 8 puntos la pobreza; eso significa perder lo que hemos logrado en los u00faltimos 10 au00f1os y ese no es un lujo que Colombia se vaya a daru201c.


Por eso, entregu00f3 la estimaciu00f3n de los ciudadanos que podru00e1n salir para evitar que eso suceda:


A partir del 11 de mayo casi 15 millones de colombianos estaru00edan recuperando su actividad productiva. Muchas familias. Ya nos quedaru00eda un trabajo muy pequeu00f1o de actividades que habru00eda que recuperar con posterioridad, pero en esta ocasiu00f3n entraru00e1n la gran mayoru00eda de actividadesu201d.



n n Coronavirus en Colomian n



Artu00edculo relacionado


Retadoras normas para los cientos de municipios que se reactivaru00e1n casi por completo



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Sin embargo, la funcionaria indicu00f3 que se necesitaru00e1 un algo grado de responsabilidad de cada persona que entre en esas nuevas excepciones para que no genere riesgo para su00ed mismo ni para su familia o su lugar de trabajo.


u201cCuidarnos todos y cuidar la economu00eda para evitar que haya colombianos sigan cayendo en la pobreza por cuenta de cuidar la saludu201d, puntualizu00f3 Ramu00edrez, al hablar sobre el desmonte gradual de la cuarentena.



n n Ivu00e1n Duquen n



Artu00edculo relacionado


[Video] u00a1Vamos por dos semanas mu00e1s! Duque oficializa extensiu00f3n de la cuarentena



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Pero mu00e1s allu00e1 de eso, Gina Tambini, representante de la Organizaciu00f3n Panamericana de la Salud volviu00f3 a recalcar las reglas para incorporar en la cotidianidad durante esta nueva etapa a partir de un anu00e1lisis de riesgo que evite el desborde del nu00famero de casos:


u2013 La identificaciu00f3n de los casos confirmados con pruebas y hacer el rastreo de los contactos.
nu2013 Se deben aislar los casos y poner en cuarentena los contactos.
nu2013 Si un ciudadano tiene su00edntomas, se debe quedar en casa, aunque estu00e9 entre las excepciones y comunicarse con las autoridades de salud.
nu2013u00a0 Guardar el distanciamiento de un metro y medio o dos metros, mu00e1s ahora que se podru00e1 salir y con niu00f1os.
nu2013 Usar tapabocas en lugares concurridos y mantener medidas de higiene de mano.
nu2013 El Gobierno debe identificar los conglomerados o zonas geogru00e1ficas que tengan el virus y si se presenta en uno de los municipios habilitados, deberu00e1 entrar en aislamiento y volver a tomar medidas.

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u00a1Vamos por dos semanas mu00e1s! 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var gFirtsArticle = {"id":"PP893105","titles":{"main":"Revelan por quu00e9 pacientes recuperados vuelven a dar positivo con coronavirus","facebook":"#Mundo Hasta el momento no se ha comprobado que sean inmunes.","seo":"Pacientes curados vuelven a dar positivo con coronavirus por esta razu00f3n"},"phrases":{"main":"Maria Van Kerkhove, mu00e9dica de la Organizaciu00f3n Mundial de la Salud, afirmu00f3 que las personas que son diagnosticadas con el virus de nuevo no estu00e1n infectadas."},"categories":{"main":{"slug":"mundo","name":"Mundo"}},"urls":{"main":"/mundo/pacientes-curados-vuelven-dar-positivo-con-coronavirus-por-razon-PP893105"},"author":{"creator":{"user":"sebastian.castillo","name":"Sebastian Castillo"},"owner":{"id":"","name":"","image":"","profile":"","url":"","twitter":{"title":"","url":""},"urlFacebook":"","email":"","linkPersonal":"","teamPulzo":"","short_text":"","large_text":""}},"published":"1","type":"article","censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","ext":"jpg","created":"Mayo 05, 2020 09:28 pm","updated":1588714915,"images":{"meta":{"title":"Prueba de coronavirus.","credit":"AFP. Imagen ilustrativa.","description":"","alt":"Prueba de coronavirus.","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"videos":{"main":{"image":"","url":"","title":"","embeded":""}},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","trinoTW":"","liveBlog":"0","shorthand":"","audio":"","tags":["coronavirus","Covid-19","Organizaciu00f3n Mundial de la Salud","pacientes recuperados"],"sources":[{"title":"Coronavirus: la razu00f3n por la que algunos pacientes recuperados de covid-19 pueden volver a dar positivo, segu00fan la OMS","url":"","source":"BBC","fuente":"BBC"},{"title":"Tests in recovered patients found false positives, not reinfections, experts say","url":"","source":"KCDC","fuente":"KCDC"}],"related":[],"body2":"nn

De acuerdo con Kerkhove, los pacientes recuperados pueden dar nuevamente positivo en las pruebas del COVID-19, algunas semanas despuu00e9s de salir del hospital, por exhalar residuos marchitos de los pulmones, indicu00f3 en entrevista con la BBC.


u201cLo que en realidad sucede es que mientras los pulmones se curan, algunas cu00e9lulas muertas de estos se expulsan. Son esos fragmentos, los que estu00e1n dando positivou201d, manifestu00f3 la estadounidense en el informativo inglu00e9s.


La epidemiu00f3loga, que tambiu00e9n es la directora del Programa de Emergencias de la OMS, enfatizu00f3 en la cadena de noticias que esto no se trata de una reinfecciu00f3n o reactivaciu00f3n del virus, simplemente es parte del proceso de recuperaciu00f3n.



Los Centros para el Control y Prevenciu00f3n de Enfermedades de Corea del Sur (KCDC), por su parte, informaron mediante un comunicado que los pacientes recuperados pueden conservar en su organismo pequeu00f1os restos del virus, no de los pulmones, lo que produce que vuelvan a dar positivo.


La entidad, sin embargo, aseguru00f3 en el documento que estos residuos no afectaru00edan nuevamente las cu00e9lulas humanas y no produciru00edan una reinfecciu00f3n, ya que son fragmentos muertos del coronavirus.


Con respecto a la inmunidad que pueda crear una persona luego de superar el COVID-19, Maria Van Kerkhove fue clara y reiteru00f3 que el organismo sanitario actualmente no tiene los suficientes estudios y pruebas que garanticen esto.



u201cLo que sabemos hasta ahora es que cuando un paciente se contagia desarrolla anticuerpos y despliega parte de una respuesta inmune entre una y tres semanas despuu00e9s de la infecciu00f3nu201d, aseguru00f3 en la BBC.


Segu00fan el u00faltimo reporte de la Universidad Johns Hopkins, en el mundo se han registrado hasta el momento 257.976 muertes asociadas al virus y mu00e1s de 3 millones y medio de casos de contagio confirmados, siendo Estados Unidos el pau00eds mu00e1s afectado por la pandemia.

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