Coronavirus and quarantine: young people demand relief from university tuition – Bogotá


The emergency due to the pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has ended up affecting the pocket of thousands of parents in Bogotá, to the point that many have even been contemplating the possibility that their children suspend their studies. This is the reason why students from private universities in the city They decided to ask for payment alternatives and tuition discounts for the second semester of 2020.

The university students have spoken through social networks using the hash-tag # MatrículaCero to demand decisive measures from the principals and administrative staff in this area. They claim that the covid-19 crisis has caused their parents’ and their incomes to decrease considerably, and argue that if they do not receive an aid, it would be impossible for them to enroll the next academic semester.

This situation is not unknown to the institutions, which have also begun to analyze it. Some are even already making decisions to help mitigate the crisis somewhat.

(It may interest you: The keys to the exceptions to the quarantine announced by Duque)

“The education sector is one of the hardest hit by the crisis that is being experienced. That is why it is essential to support the students, ”said Elizabeth Torres, director of Marketing at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University.

In fact, Tadeo’s board of directors has already approved a 30% discount on registration for new undergraduate and graduate students. It offers a reduction of 15% in enrollment to night hours and in some daytime programs, 10%. In addition, they study giving relief to the ancients.

The Javeriana University announced financing options for up to 90% of tuition and for postgraduate and scholarships, up to 50%.

The Universidad de los Andes created an economic aid program for those who enter the first semester, with forgivable loans of between 30 and 50% of the value of tuition, depending on the degree. In addition, students who are already studying a program will have financing plans of up to 100%.

(Also: Abecé: Children between 6 to 17 years old can leave from May 11)

The educational sector is
one of the most hit by the
crisis that is being lived. So it is essential to support
to the students

“We will continue to insist on being the most public university of the private ones, to allow access to excellent education to wide sectors of our society,” said Juan Carlos Henao, rector of the Externado University, when announcing the discounts. The Externado offers all its students a 15% reduction in enrollment. This help must be requested in writing. Those who require it may have financing.

Another case is that of Gran Colombiano Polytechnic, which implemented a 40% discount for first semester students, who will also receive 20% for the second semester. All Poli youth will have 20% if the enrollment is face-to-face and 10% if it is virtual. The institution clarified that it will not make charges associated with extraordinary enrollments and will implement a 50-50 financing plan.

(Also read: How a sector quarantine would work in Bogotá)

The Central University, for its part, announced measures for its students. They will be able to access four credit and financing channels, one of which is directly with the alma mater, will be deferred to a maximum term of six installments and will have a decrease in the interest rate, going from 1.3 to 0, 7%.

EAN also joined the initiative to implement payment facilities for their students, they will have up to 25% discount for enrollment in the second semester of the current yearBut that is not the only thing, the directives implemented a payment system by quotas so that their students can finance their studies.

For its part, the University Foundation of the Andean Area announced that it will return the value of registration to those who enroll, and for students who are already studying a degree, they will apply a discount of up to 25% in health sector programs ; Likewise, it will offer 700 scholarships for first semester students.

The Konrad Lorenz University will also apply this type of measures and announced that it will not charge additional values ​​for late registration Not extraordinary, and to this is added the 30% relief on the value of the registration of the second semester of 2020 for new and old students; This aid has some requirements that the students will be able to consult on the website of the university.

(It may interest you: According to Uniandes study, extending quarantine is not the solution)

Despite the students’ demand, the university institutions have clarified that they are working to guarantee that they can continue their studies in the best conditions.

The situation is not unknown to the institutions, which have also begun to analyze the issue. Even, some are already making decisions to help mitigate somewhat the crisis faced by many Bogota citizens.

