Actress Natalia Durán confessed that she has thyroid cancer


The actress Natalia Durán had not had much activity on social networks for several weeks and this Tuesday she informed her followers on Instagram why it was like that. Through a video of more than six minutes, the artist confirmed that she was diagnosed with cancer.

“I was diagnosed with cancer. I have thyroid and neck cancer. They have to open me up to find out what type of cancer it is. And they also had to give me a transfusion, because my hemoglobin was on the floor, I was walking like a miracle, ”Durán reported this morning.

The model confessed that, before being hospitalized, He went into a crisis for which he believed he would die. So delicate was that episode that he had to leave his house with the help of his relatives.

“They have been a tough few months, of many challenges and lessons. Regardless of my diagnosis, You know that I have been very close to social causes and I have been blessed to share and serve women victims of cancer, ”she added.

Durán indicated that from a very young age she understood how hard cancer can be, since her mother died of that disease when she was little. The actress also acknowledged that it has been difficult for her to be in a position in which she is the center of attention of her friends and family, taking into account that throughout her life she has dedicated herself to helping others.

“It is indescribable. The tsunami and the states of mind every second and how to control that. My admiration goes to an ineffable level. Now when I am the person who has to receive this support, it moves me a lot. I am very helpful, but it has been difficult for me to receive“Declared the famous.

She couldn’t hold back crying when she referred to the friends who have been by her side since the first moment they found out she had cancer.

Similarly, Durán was grateful to have timely medical care and regretted that many Colombians cannot say the same. “I feel surrounded by blessings and privileges. There are people who are suffering and the resources do not even exist, in rural areas they are experiencing all kinds of violence and health conditions that cannot be managed. I just feel grateful and want to continue giving myself, “he reflected.

The actress concluded her video by making a short request to her thousands of followers: “Give me the good word to get out of this as quickly as possible.”

Actress Natalia Durán has cancer

Next, the video with which the artist reported that she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer:
