“With confidence, I put my arm to the vaccine”


In the midst of the dilemma in which many Colombians find themselves about whether or not to apply the vaccine against covid-19, the invitation to everyone to get vaccinated arises from the city of Sincelejo – one of the pilots in the country for this process to overcome the pandemic.

The one who makes the call is Verónica Machado Torres, a professional nurse who is a native of the municipality of Buenavista and that this Tuesday will be the first to receive the dose of the Pfizer vaccine of the more than 600 that arrived yesterday morning at the department through a flight that landed at Las Brujas airport.

The president himself Iván Duque was in charge of communicating on Monday night, via cell phone, that it would be the Colombian who would ‘release’ the vaccination plan against covid-19 In our country.

Verónica, head of nurses of the intensive care unit (ICU) of the Hospital Universitario de Sincelejo (HUS), where she completes three years, highlights that getting vaccinated is the best way to deal with this virus that has claimed so many lives, some of which she saw extinguished despite the intense fight.

In the HUS they have managed to recover 4,289 patients infected with the virus and she has been present in those struggles and fortunately, so far, it has not been infected. Now he assures that with confidence he is measured to put the arm to the vaccine.

His has always been to be in the care of critical patients, he has 10 of the 25 years of experience in this area. Her work experience after graduating as a professional nurse from the Metropolitan University of Barranquilla began in first-level care at the Guaranda health center, a municipality in La Mojana, Sucreña. At the end of his rural year, he arrived in Sincelejo and since then he has dedicated himself to helping save lives from the capital of Sucre.
