Quarantine ended and curfew begins – Bogotá


Bogotá came out this Tuesday at 4 in the morning from a strict quarantine which was extended during this holiday bridge, but enters a night curfew. After four days in which the majority of citizens respected the total restriction on mobility, they will now have to accommodate a measure that will begin to apply tonight.

Also read: Attention, this Tuesday night curfew begins in Bogotá

As stipulated by the city authorities, all citizens must take shelter every night, from 8 pm to 4 am, from today until January 17 as part of the efforts to reduce the speed of contagion of the new coronaviruss. It is the first time that this scheme has been used since the pandemic began.

“It is hard to start the year taking these measures, but it depends on everyone that we pass this second peak quickly. We are faced with possible phenomena such as the new strain and that is why we must take extreme measures to protect ourselves. Bogotá has always been an example of care throughout the pandemic, we cannot lower our guard. Sand we take care of ourselves, we save our lives and that of thousands of people in the city ”, said Mayor Claudia López, once this decision was made.

Another measure that began to take effect today is that three more localities entered strict quarantine. In the first group were Usaquén, Suba and Engativá, who will go until next Sunday, January 17, and in the second are Kennedy, Fontibón and Teusaquillo, which will run until Thursday, January 21.

However, the entire city must respect the night curfew measure. In addition to this, Other actions will be maintained such as the pico and cedula, which will last the entire month, and the dry law.

The weekend of strict quarantine that has just ended was also marked by the irresponsible attitude of hundreds of citizens who were surprised at clandestine parties in towns such as Engativá and Bosa.

Bogotá in Quarantine

The inhabitants of these three towns must stay in their homes until January 18.


Hector Zamora. TIME

In addition to this, at least 1.9 million citizens returned to the capital of the country in recent weeks, that on the recommendation of the Bogotá Mayor’s Office, they must have a voluntary isolation of 7 days at home.

For all this is that measures such as quarantines by locality, which will surely be extended to other areas in the coming days, and the night curfew are drastic measures, but they seek to contain the advance of the virus.

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With a court date of January 10, in Bogotá there were 518,261 confirmed cases and 10,564 people died from covid-19. Experts recommend continuing with these types of restrictions, but agree that passing this second peak of contagion will depend on the good behavior of citizens.

“Intensive care units (ICU) and health institutions have trained personnel, supplies and other equipment for care, and they have been prepared in recent months, but they can be overwhelmed here and anywhere in the world, due to the irresponsibility of the citizens ”, expressed on this Ricardo Navarro, dean of Medicine of the National University.

Kennedy, Fontibón and Teusaquillo, isolated

As part of the strict targeted quarantine strategy, which was also used in the city during the first covid-19 spike of 2020, Kennedy, Fontibón and Teusaquillo began today, at 4 am, a total restriction on mobility.

Only one person per family may go out to stock up or buy food. For individual exercise there is one hour a day and 20 minutes to take the pet to a nearby area of ​​the residence.

These three towns present worrying indicators, which led the authorities to close them until next Thursday, January 21. As of the January 10 court, Kennedy had 4,925 active cases; Fontibón, 2,124, and Teusaquillo, 1,065.

We invite you to read: Lessons and warnings left by the fight against covid in Bogotá

Thus, at this time there are six towns in the city under strict quarantine. Usaquén, Engativá and Suba, which will go until next January 17, are the other three. That is, there are about 4 million people in quarantine in the capital of the country.

It has not yet been officially confirmed if there will be more areas with these measures in the coming days. The authorities have explained that these decisions are made depending on the behavior of the contagion figures and availability of ICU beds.

Good behavior of the Bogota citizens

The mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, highlighted the good behavior of citizens during this festive bridge of strict quarantine. On the one hand, desolate avenues and streets were once again seen, as in the times of the first peak of the pandemic, and on the other, It substantially reduced the number of people who decided to go out to nearby municipalities in the city for rest.

“The number of vehicles that left. People stayed at home and did not leave the bridge. On the contrary, many are coming to the city“Said the president in one of her tours during these days.

However, there were some sectors that presented agglomerations, mainly on several SITP routes, so the intervention of the authorities was important, who had to put groups in some localities.

The number of vehicles that left was substantially reduced. People stayed at home and did not leave the bridge

Finally, at least three clandestine parties were reported in different locations, in which in addition to being disrespectful of the restriction on mobility, they were drinking liquor under dry law and disrespecting, for the most part, biosecurity regulations.

Sanctions had to be imposed on both the attendees and the owners of the establishments where the celebrations were taking place. A bar was sealed in the town of Engativá and a gallera in Bosa.

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