Monsignor Luis Adriano Piedrahíta, Bishop of Santa Marta, dies of COVID-19


The Diocese of Santa Marta confirmed this Monday the death of the priest in that city.

After 20 days of fighting with COVID-19, the Diocese of Santa Marta reported this Monday on the death of Monsignor Luis Adriano Piedrahíta, bishop of that city, where he had been fulfilling his ecclesiastical mission since October 2014.

The priest had been hospitalized since last December, after testing positive for the disease. At that time, in a statement, the Diocese of Santa Marta asked the parishioners of the capital of Magdalena to join “in prayer” for the health of the clergyman.

However, his body did not withstand the attacks of COVID-19 and he died in a clinic in Santa Marta. The death of the bishop has moved the public and several national figures, who have spoken expressing their condolences.

“RIP Monsignor Piedrahíta, Bishop of Santa Marta. He also worked a lot for the citizens of Apartadó. Another irreparable loss due to COVID-19, ”said Vice President Marta Lucía Ramírez, concluding with a message on personal care and the use of a mask.

The mayor of Santa Marta, Virna Johnson, also lamented the death of the bishop. “We join in prayers for the death of Monsignor Luis Adriano Piedrahíta. Today, with deep sadness, we bid him farewell, exalting his faith, his dedication for the well-being of others and his love for our Santa Marta, ”said the president.

Who was Luis Adriano Piedrahíta?

Monsignor Luis Adriano Piedrahíta Sandoval was born in Palmira on October 7, 1946. He studied elementary school at the Pío XII School, owned by the Franciscan parents; those of secondary school, in the Minor Seminary of Cali and followed the Philosophical and Theological cycles in the San Pedro Apóstol Major Seminary of the same city.

Already as a priest, he obtained a Degree in Moral Theology at the Alphonsian Academy of the Pontifical Lateran University of Rome.

He was ordained a priest on October 29, 1972, entering the Archdiocese of Cali. In the exercise of his priestly ministry, he served as parochial vicar of the Santa Ana el Cali Parish (1972-1974), parish priest of La Santa Infancia Parish in Cali (1977-1984), parish priest of the San Juan Bautista Parish in Cali ( 1984-1986), pastor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish in Cali (1986-1992) and pastor of the Risen Christ Parish, from 1992 to 1999.

Simultaneously with these offices, he rendered pastoral services as chaplain of the Sacred Heart College (1977-1982), professor of Moral Theology at the Archdiocesan Major Seminary (1979-1988), auditor of the Regional Ecclesiastical Tribunal (1981-1984), member of the College of Consultants (1983-1988), Archpriest of Arciprestazgo No. 2 for three periods (1983-1984; 1986-1988; 1992-1994), member of the Formation Team of the Archdiocesan Major Seminary (1984-1986), pastoral vicar for the South Zone (1988-1990), Deputy Judicial Vicar of the Regional Ecclesiastical Court and Episcopal Vicar of Zone No. 3, positions he held from 1992 to 1999.

On July 19, 1999, Pope John Paul II appointed him titular bishop of Centenaria and auxiliary of Cali. He received his episcopal ordination on September 8, 1999.

On July 3, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI appointed him bishop of the Diocese of Apartadó, and on August 5, 2014, Pope Francis appointed him bishop of the diocese of Santa Marta, where he took possession of jurisdiction on 8 October 2014. Since then, he stood out as a leader and pastor of the church in Santa Marta y el Magdalena.

* Special for The Spectator
