Quarantine in Bogotá: who can leave and who cannot


The mayor of Bogotá Claudia López declared the total restriction of mobility in the city from midnight on Thursday, January 7, until 4:00 in the morning on Tuesday, January 12. In addition, a sectored quarantine was decreed in three other locations in the city. Learn about the exceptions for these measures here.

Given the soaring increase in cases of COVID-19, and the declaration of a red alert in the city, Bogotá will face a day similar to the one experienced during the isolation drill in March last year. The total quarantine begins today, the first Thursday of the year, and throughout the Kings Bridge, ending next Tuesday. But who will be able to leave?

The most general exceptions include the mobility of a representative per household to stock up on food or medicine, or who must attend to matters of force majeure or extreme necessity (if that is the case, the person must prove their situation).

On the other hand, the more specific exceptions include those who perform tasks that are considered essential, for example, those who provide administrative, operational or professional services, whether public or private, related to health.

Similarly, people who work providing institutional care for the elderly, those under 18 years of age, dependents, sick people, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable and animals are excepted. In addition to those that carry out public order, general security and health care tasks.

The measure will also not affect medical and veterinary care and emergency professionals, including ambulance services, health services, pre-hospital care, distribution of medicines at home, pharmacies. Those in charge of supplying and distributing fuel; those of the chain of production, supply, storage, transportation, marketing and distribution of inputs to produce food, beverages, medicines, medical devices, hygiene and cleaning items, food and medicine for pets, agricultural inputs and other elements necessary to meet the health emergency, they can always circulate when they are carrying out their work activities.

As for restaurants, their operation can only work under the e-commerce and home model. If that is the case, the worker must show the document that accredits the establishment as part of those reactivated in the city. Therefore, domiciliary workers, workers of postal companies, courier companies, logistics operators and cargo transporters are also excepted.

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The workers who are essential for the operation, maintenance, support and emergencies of home public services such as aqueduct, energy, cleaning and gas, among others, are excepted. Also those that offer funeral services, burials and cremations.

To this group are added those that provide banking, financial services, postal payment operators, purchase and sale of currencies, risk centers, transport of securities, surveillance and private security, notarial, real estate and public instrument registration activities, urban licenses and automotive diagnostic centers.

Public servants, State contractors and individuals who work in the prevention, attention and mitigation of the emergency are included.

Also indispensable workers for the operation of television channels, radio stations, written and digital press and media distributors.

The personnel essential for the execution of public civil works and the companies that produce construction supplies for the development of private and public civil works will be able to maintain their production and uninterrupted delivery processes to supply said works.

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The people in charge of doing essential maintenance in companies, plants, industrial plants or mines, whether public or private. Workers in the hotel industry; those of diplomatic or consular missions; transporters of the public transport service, operators and administrators of the transport terminals.

Manufacturers, repairers, and sellers of accessories and spare parts for bicycles are also excepted. Airport operators, crew and passengers.}

The movement and appearance of officials and persons interested in the management of activities that guarantee the protection of fundamental and collective rights and administrative actions. People who return to the Capital District by land, as well as those who travel to their cities of origin from Bogotá or who have previously scheduled inter-municipal trips.

People who do not perform any of these tasks must remain at home complying with the mandatory quarantine, which according to the District, is carried out in order to stop the speed of contagion during that second peak of the pandemic in Bogotá. Keep in mind that, when it is the case, all the people to whom the exceptions apply must have the documentation that proves their condition. Breaking the rule can result in fines of $ 932,000.
