What was the shocking fireball that fell from the sky in China – People – Culture


The residents of Nangqian County, in Northwest China’s Qinghai Province, were astonished after the sky lit up from one moment to the next and they saw a fireball pass by, falling to the ground seconds later.

The incident occurred on Wednesday, December 23 and, according to residents of the area, minutes before seeing the luminous ball, loud roars were heard that alarmed them.

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Although it has not yet been confirmed exactly what it is, the China Earthquake Network Center reported that it had recorded the incident and he expressed in his social networks that it would be an alleged fireball, that is, a very bright type of meteor.

“On December 23, many netizens in Yushu, Qinghai, photographed a suspicious car in the sky that had come from outer space, and the sky lit up. In videos that recorded the moment, you can see the flying object break in the air, so many fragments fell to the ground “The China Earthquake Network Center reported on its social networks.

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For now it is known that the car fell in a rural area and, so far, there is no news that it has caused harm to people or accidents.

According to international media, a local resident said he saw the ‘fireball’ when he was walking with his son.

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“It started out as something very small, but three minutes later, it became very big and bright.”he said in amazement.

The videos of those who managed to capture the impressive moment began to circulate immediately on Chinese social networks and the world.

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This phenomenon has not been the only one that has occurred in what has to do with meteorite falls throughout this year. Recently, at the end of November, it happened the crash of a racing car in Japan and, at the beginning of the year, another had fallen on Mexican territory.

According to experts, the fall of meteorites on Earth is quite common, but it is very rarely recorded in images, which is why the videos of the most recent event in China have impacted everyone.

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