December 23 prayers and Christmas carols


Before you start reading the Novena on the penultimate day, note the following order in which each of the prayers is made, the consideration and the joys. Also, do not forget the security measures due to the pandemic, for which there is even a restriction in Bogotá related to meetings for Christmas.

  1. Prayer for every day.
  2. Consideration of the day.
  3. Prayer to the Virgin Mary.
  4. Prayer to Saint Joseph
  5. Joys.
  6. Prayer to the Child Jesus.
  7. Christmas carols (many sing them at the end of the Novena, but there are also those who do it at the beginning or between sentences).

Prayer for every day

Most benign God of infinite charity, who so loved men, that you gave them in your son the pledge of your love, so that, made man in the womb of a Virgin, he might be born in a manger for our health and remedy; I, on behalf of all mortals, give you infinite thanks for such a sovereign benefit. In return to him, I offer you the poverty, humility and other virtues of your humanized son; begging you for his divine merits, for the discomfort in which he was born and for the tender tears he shed in the manger, that you dispose of our hearts with deep humility, with fiery love, with such contempt for all things earthly, so that the newborn Jesus may have in them their cradle and dwell forever. Amen.

(Glory to the Father is prayed three times).

Consideration: eighth day of the Christmas Novena

José and María arrive in Belén looking for lodging in the inns, but they do not find, either because they are all busy, or because they are unmade by their poverty. However, nothing can disturb the inner peace of those who are fixed on God.

If Joseph felt sad when he was rejected from house to house, because he thought of Mary and the child, he also smiled with holy tranquility when he fixed his gaze on his chaste wife. The noise of every door that closed before them was a sweet melody to their ears.

That was what he had come looking for. The desire for these humiliations was what had helped to make him take the human form. Oh, Divine Child of Bethlehem! These days that so many have spent at parties and entertainment or resting in comfortable and rich mansions, has been a day of fatigue and humiliation of all kinds for your parents. Oh! The spirit of Bethlehem is that of a world that has forgotten God.

How many times has it not also been ours? The sun sets on December 24 behind the rooftops of Bethlehem and its last rays gild the top of the rugged rocks that surround it. Rude men roughly elbow the Lord in the streets of that eastern village and close their doors when they see their mother.

The vault of heaven appears in glitter above those hills frequented by shepherds. The stars appear one after another. A few more hours and the eternal verb will appear.

Prayer to the Virgin Mary

Sovereign Mary, because of your great virtues, and especially because of your humility, you deserved that a whole God chose you as his mother. I beg you yourself to prepare and dispose of my soul and that of all those who at this time made this novena, for the spiritual birth of your adored son. Oh, most sweet mother, tell me something of the deep recollection and divine tenderness with which you awaited him, so that you will make us less unworthy to see him, love him and adore him for all eternity. Amen.

(The Hail Mary is said three times).

Prayer to Saint Joseph

Oh holy Joseph, husband of Mary and adoptive father of Jesus! Infinite thanks I give to God because he chose you for such sovereign mysteries and adorned you with all the gifts provided to such excellent greatness. I beg you, for the love you had for the Divine Child, embrace me in fervent desire to see him and receive him sacramentally, while in his divine essence I see him and I enjoy him in heaven. Amen.

(An Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be said)

Joys of the Christmas Novena

“Sweet Jesus of mine, my adored child, come to our souls, come don’t take so long! Come don’t take so long! ” or “Come, come, come, come to our souls, Jesus, come, come, come, come; come to our souls Jesus, come, come to our souls; Don’t take so long, don’t take so long, Jesus, come, come! Come, come! ”, Is what those who pray the novena usually sing, after reading each of the following joys:

1. My sweet Jesus, my adored child, come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

2. Oh, supreme Wisdom, of the sovereign God, that at the level of a child, you have lowered yourself! Oh, Divine Child, come to teach us, the prudence that makes true wise men! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

3. Oh, powerful Adonai, that Moses speaking, from Israel to the people you gave the commands! Ah, come quickly to rescue us, and let a weak child show his arm strong! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

Four. Oh, sacred root, of Joseph who on high, you present to the orb, your fragrant tuberose! Sweet Child who has been called Lily of the valley, Beautiful flower of the field. Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

5. David’s key that opens the closed doors of the royal palace for the exiled! Get us out. Oh, Child, with your white hand, from the sad jail that sin carved out! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

6. Oh, fire of the East, sun of eternal rays, that among the darkness, we see your splendor! So precious child, Christian happiness, let the smile of your sweet lips shine. Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

7. Mirror without blemish, holy of holies, without equal image of the sovereign God! Erase our guilt, save the outcast and in the form of a child, give the miserable shelter! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

8. King of the nations, Immanuel enlightened. I long for Israel, Shepherd of the flock! Child who you feed with a soft crook, now the wild sheep, and the meek lamb! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

9. Let the heavens open and let it rain from above, benefactor dew as holy watering! Come beautiful Child, come God humanized! Shine, star God! Sprout, flower of the field! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

10. They see that Mary already prevents her arms, do her child see, in near times! Come now that Joseph, with a sacred desire, is preparing to take your sacred love! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

eleven. Of the weak help, of the suffering protection, consolation of the sad, light of the exiled! Life of my life, my beloved owner, my constant friend, my divine brother! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

12. Come before my eyes, of you in love! Kiss your plants now! Kiss your hands now! Prostrate on the ground, I extend my arms to you, and even more than my phrases, my cry says: Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

13. Come our Savior, for whom we long! Come to our souls! Come don’t take so long!

Prayer to the Child Jesus

Remember, oh most sweet Child Jesus, that you said to the venerable Margaret of the Most Holy Sacrament and, in her person, to all your devotees, these words so consoling for our poor overwhelmed and suffering humanity: “Everything you want to ask, ask for it on the merits of my childhood and nothing will be denied you”.

Full of confidence in you, oh, Jesus, that you are the same truth, we come to expose you all our misery. Help us to lead a holy life, to achieve a blissful eternity. Grant us, for the infinite merits of your childhood, the grace of which we need so much.

We give ourselves to you, oh almighty Child!, Certain that it will not frustrate our hope, and that by virtue of your divine promise, you will welcome and favorably dispatch our supplication. Amen.

Christmas carols

These are the videos of three Christmas carols, with lyrics. If you want to sing more, you can find others at this link.
