Opposition threatens the Government to go to the US Congress due to espionage


In the document it is said that with the illegal follow-ups made by some military personnel from official bases, the intention was to persecute the opposition, since several of the signatories appear in the list of “profiles”.

In addition, they regretted that alleged members of the Government party could be recipients of the information collected, as warned an unidentified source to the Semana Magazine, medium that uncovered the irregularities.

Iván Duque

“There are no minimum guarantees to exercise the opposition … We will go to national and international instances and to the United States Congress ”, emphasized the text, with the particularity that some of the authors of it are openly anti-American.

The letter was published on social networks and among the signatories the senators appear: Aída Avella, Iván Cepeda,Pablo Catatumbo’Jorge Londoño, Wilson Arias and David Racero, and representatives León Fredy Muñoz, Gustavo Bolívar, María José Pizarro, Luis Albán, Julián Gallo, Inti Asprilla, Katherine Miranda, Antonio Sanguino, Juan Luis Castro, Mauricio Toro, Sergio Marín and Wilmer Leal.

Here, the full letter:
