“The Junior thing was irresponsible”: Juan Cruz Real


Luis Amaranth Perea he ruffled a hornet’s nest before the second round of the fight for a place in the final of the League between Junior and America. In a statement to Antena 2, last Thursday, the coach assured that after the game against Unión La Calera and before the first duel against the ‘Red Devils’, several members of the rojiblanco club “We started to feel the symptoms (of Covid-19”).

Although many shouted in the sky because tests were not done before the league game, the president of Dimayor, Fernando Jaramillo, explained that the Colombian soccer biosecurity protocol, approved by the Ministry of Healthd, includes PCR tests every 10 days and Junior had performed them on the scheduled dates.

However, criticism has rained down on team shark because, according to what the DT said, the helmsman and the players who presented symptoms had to be isolated.

“I say this not only thinking about sports but also socially, health. The truth about the Junior was a total irresponsibility that put us all at risk. We did the tests and fortunately we all came out negative, but we know that the virus incubates between the 5th and 14th, so we hope we will not have surprises later, “said Juan Cruz Real, America’s helmsman, at a press conference.

However, in Junior they affirm that the entire protocol has been strictly complied with and that daily symptomatology reports are submitted to the Dimayor platform.

In fact, on Wednesday, through the official statement of the medical body in which it reported ten positive cases of coronavirus in the squad (eight players and two members of the coaching staff), Junior specified, without revealing names, that only two had symptoms , a footballer and a coach (Later it was publicly known that it was Luis Amaranto Perea, from his statements to Antena 2 on Thursday).
