Álex Saab: Nicolás Maduro warns Cape Verde for having his agent imprisoned – Investigative Unit


Once again, the Nicolás Maduro regime comes out to officially defend the Barranquilla Álex Saab, imprisoned since June 13 in Cape Verde for a process of money laundering that is being followed in the United States.

On this occasion, Jorge Arreaza, Venezuelan Foreign Minister, issued a harsh and extensive statement in which he complained that Cape Verde had not complied with the order of the West African Court of Justice (Cedeao) to grant him home detention.

(We invite you to read: Why is Piedad Córdoba still in the DEA’s dossier on Álex Saab?)

“The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela expresses its concern about the behavior of the Republic of Cape Verde due to the behavior of Cape Verde in reaction (sic) to the order of the Cedeao Court, of December 2, 2020, in which it ruled that Cape Verde must immediately comply with a series of measures that affect the health of the Venezuelan citizen Álex Saab“, says Jorge Arreaza.

(You may be interested: Álex Saab accuses Cape Verde of circumventing the order to get him out of prison)

Jorge Arreaza

Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza says Cape Verde must abide by the order regarding Saab.

And it says that the orders that Cape Verde must comply with refer to the health of the one who calls’ special envoy from Venezuela. Likewise, he says that they must give him immediate and unrestricted access to his family, medical reports and full legal access.

(Also: This is Álex Saab’s credit card that entangles 2 Colombians)

For Venezuela, the attitude of Cape Verde is strange, even more so if, according to Arreaza, they are obliged to comply with the orders of that court.

Therefore, he warns that they expect Cape Verde to comply with Cedeao’s decision, protecting human rights.

For the defense there is an “absolute breach” of the orders of the Community Court, and they mention a statement by the vice prime minister of Cape Verde, on December 4, on the case that leads them to believe that it will not be carried out the order to send him to a hotel for jail, as requested.

(See here all the articles of the Investigative Unit of EL TIEMPO)

But the vice prime minister of Cape Verde has another position: “We have an ongoing judicial process and we hope that the Supreme Court of Justice will make the best decision regarding the resolution of the case. Therefore, the Government does not interfere in judicial decisions and Cape Verde has sovereignty in matters related to the operation of justice, regardless of its adherence to Cedeao ”.

On January 10 and February 5, there are two new hearings on Saab in that court, the first to request his freedom and the other to denounce Cape Verde for not complying with the order to give him house arrest.

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