Trump executive order could affect provision of coronavirus vaccine to other countries


America first, that would reaffirm the president of the United States, Donald Trump today with the signing of his executive order, which will prioritize vaccination for Americans and it is not yet clear whether it will affect distribution to other countries in the case of funded companies. by the administration. Something that government officials dismiss.

“Certainly what we want are vaccines purchased by the United States, that does not mean purchased by other countries. There are acquisitions by other countries like the UK and around the world, but those acquired by the United States should be used for vulnerable Americans, to save their lives, “explained Undersecretary of Health and Human Services, Brett Giroir.

(See here: UK starts vaccination against COVID-19: 90-year-old woman the first to receive a dose)

Currently the United States has negotiated 100 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, which in two doses would reach 50 million people. According to the New York Times, the Trump administration declined the offer to acquire more of that company and now Pfizer could only give more doses until June.

“According to the people involved in the negotiation that is simply not true. This president contracted doses of this vaccine with many different companies, “replied Kayleigh Mcenany, White House press secretary.

Precisely the controversy is due to the Pfizer vaccine, which would be approved this week, at least as suggested by a document from the Food and Drug Administration, which ensures that it is highly effective and that it meets all the criteria.

On Thursday, the special committee will meet to study its approval and, once you have the green light, the first vaccinations would be starting 24 hours later.
