Who is “Nicolasito”, the son of Maduro candidate for the National Assembly


FILE IMAGE.  Nicolás Maduro Guerra, son of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, watches his father while holding a press conference in Caracas, Venezuela.  January 28, 2018. REUTERS / Marco Bello
FILE IMAGE. Nicolás Maduro Guerra, son of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, watches his father while holding a press conference in Caracas, Venezuela. January 28, 2018. REUTERS / Marco Bello

He is the son of the dictator of Venezuela, but “Nicolasito” or Nicolás Maduro Guerra says that his life “does not begin as the son of the president”. “My childhood was spent with a father who was a metro bus driver and with a mother secretary,” he responds to those who attack him for his privileges.

Maintains that power is a “circumstance” to which he did not aspire. “It is life that has brought me here,” he says.

Professional flutist and economics graduate who boasts of being “The youngest” of the leaders of Chavismo sanctioned by Washington, “Nico”, as his father calls him, has lived weeks of a frenzied campaign for a seat in La Guaira, a state bathed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea about 40 minutes from Caracas.

The politician of 30 years rejects the questions about the legitimacy of the voting, which the opposition leader Juan Guaidó, his allies and a large part of the international community call a “farce.” He assures that “they are the same conditions” of 2015, when the opposition obtained the legislative majority, although the new electoral authorities were not designated by Parliament, as appropriate, and, among other reforms, the number of seats was increased from 167 to 277 .

Nicolas Maduro Guerra, candidate for the National Assembly and son of Nicolás Maduro.  REUTERS / Manaure Quintero
Nicolas Maduro Guerra, candidate for the National Assembly and son of Nicolás Maduro. REUTERS / Manaure Quintero

“We are going to solve the problems that we have with the new National Assembly. The opposition, the extremist right, has no plan for the country ”, provokes

Aided by a crowd on a street in Maiquetía, a town where the country’s main airport is located, he promised to “consume himself” as a public servant. “Failure forbidden!”He exclaimed to applause.

Admit that There are Chavistas who are dissatisfied with the economic crisis, but he maintains that Chavismo “is on the street facing problems.” The US sanctions against Venezuela “have complicated the situation,” he remarks. Maduro Guerra, who had his first daughter when he was just 15 years old, an experience that, he says, makes him think about the need for campaigns to prevent early pregnancy.

In interviews with international media, “Nicolasito” did not spare definitions of Chavismo’s plans for after Sunday’s elections. Said Venezuela’s ruling socialist party would consider reforming the country’s oil law, as well as other economic laws, should control of parliament be retaken.

Nicolas Maduro Guerra, campaigning in La Guaira, Venezuela.  REUTERS / Manaure Quintero
Nicolas Maduro Guerra, campaigning in La Guaira, Venezuela. REUTERS / Manaure Quintero

He also added that the government hopes to engage with the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden in the United States, despite the fact that Washington and Caracas cut diplomatic relations after President Donald Trump expanded sanctions against Venezuela to pressure the resignation of the Venezuelan leader.

“Within the party it has been discussed, and we have information that I cannot say, at this moment, but it seems that there are good conversations of respect, we ask is respect “he added.

The Trump administration and dozens of other countries do not recognize Maduro as the legitimate leader of Venezuela because he came to power through a fraudulent election in May 2018.

Nicolas Maduro Guerra.  REUTERS / Manaure Quintero
Nicolas Maduro Guerra. REUTERS / Manaure Quintero

The oil country has not managed to get out of the recession and, on the contrary, the drop in production seems to have deepened, further accelerating inflation that international organizations consider the highest in the world. But most likely, after Sunday the power of the Maduro family will continue to grow in Venezuela.

With information from Reuters, EFE and AFP


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