The four important announcements that Duque made for Cartagena | THE UNIVERSAL


After a tour of the neighborhoods of the Faldas de la Popa, affected by the Iota pass, the President of the Republic, Iván Duque, acknowledged that the problem of flooding in Cartagena is structural and that the situation demands attention beyond mere temporary humanitarian aid.

First, he announced that the National Government will send 10,000 packages with food, hygiene and health assistance kits in the next few days that will be added to those arranged by the Mayor’s Office and the Government to alleviate the critical condition of the victims, many grouped in temporary shelters. , and then went on to strong commitments with the city: coastal protection, Storm Drainage Master Plan, family resettlement and neighborhood improvement program.


The president specified that he is finalizing details with Mayor William Dau to speed up the bids for the coastal protection system.

“With the mayor and the governor in charge, we discussed the urgency of proceeding with the tenders for the coastal protection system against erosion events that can become a permanent headache,” he said. Read here: Authorities analyze the coastal protection project in Cartagena


Duque announced that a team from the Ministry of Housing and the Vice Ministry of Water will help structure the Storm Drainage Master Plan project, with the aspiration that the tender can be made in 2021.

“To solve the problem of floods that occur in winter storms in the city, it is necessary to speed up the bidding process for what is known as the Storm Drainage Master Plan and the sewerage system. For this, the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory and the Vice Ministry of Water have committed to bringing a technical team to structure the project and allow not only to dimension its feasibility but also that we can proceed, God willing, in the year 2021 quickly for this tender “, said. Read here: The Rocky Valdez Coliseum is enabled as a second temporary shelter


The President also announced the acceleration of resettlement programs for families in places of risk.

“Also with the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory we are going to accelerate resettlement programs for families who are in places of risk, in accordance with what is determined by the Government of Bolívar and the Mayor’s Office of Cartagena in safe housing spaces.” Read here: SOS for Cartagena: the invitation to help those affected by the rain


The last commitment announced by Duque has to do with the improvement of neighborhoods in some parts of the city.

“We will support a neighborhood improvement program in places in the city where critical landslides have occurred and that would need a structural intervention,” he mentioned.

The President of the Republic, Iván Duque, led the Unified Command Post held in Cartagena de Indias to organize the delivery of humanitarian aid to families affected by the rains generated by the Iota pass.
