United States Approves Experimental Drug Against Covid-19


The US Food and Drug Regulatory Agency (FDA) authorized the use of the antiviral remdesivir To treat patients with coronavirus, whose recovery accelerates, President Donald Trump announced this Friday.

“I am happy to announce that Gilead (the pharmaceutical company that makes the antiviral) obtained urgent authorization from the FDA for the use of remdesivir,” Trump said at the White House.

That experimental drug, developed to cure Ebola sufferers (viral hemorrhagic fever), is the first treatment that demonstrates its effectiveness against the new coronavirus. According to a study carried out by the American Institutes of Health, it shortens the recovery of covid-19 patients by several days.

Remdesivir is made by U.S. pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, which excited researchers in a 2016 primate study, and was then used in a major trial in the Republic of the Congo, comparing it to three other drugs. That study ended in 2019 because it failed to increase survival rates like two other monoclonal antibodies, laboratory-designed immune system proteins.

In February, the United States National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) announced that remdesivir I would jump on stage once again in an investigation into SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen that causes covid-19, because it showed promise in animal testing against the SARS and MERS coronaviruses.

NIAID announced the results of its trial Wednesday, which included 1,000 people, and concluded that hospitalized patients with respiratory problems from covid-19 treated with the drug improved faster than cases receiving a placebo. Patients who took the drug they recovered 31% faster.

“Although the results were clearly positive, from a statistically significant point of view they were modest“Said Anthony Fauci, chief scientist at NIAID. In other words, it works but it is not a miracle cure.

You can read: Greater capacity reveals more cases of coronavirus.
