3-year-old girl died of COVID-19 La Crónica del Quindío


/ MAY 10 2020/1 day before

Author: Drafting

3-year-old girl died of COVID-19

Quindío added a new infected and reached 67.

A minor of 3 years, a native of Magui, Nariño, without comorbidities, died of COVID-19. The little girl is one of the 18 deaths reported today by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. The last 24 hours, again, showed a high number of those infected by the pandemic. CWith the 568 confirmed cases, the total number of affected is 11,063, 2,705 patients have recovered and 463 deaths have been reported.

Quindío added a new infected and reached 67, the other reports correspond to Bogotá (127), Amazonas (94), Cartagena (92), Barranquilla (37), Nariño (34), Huila (31), Tolima (27), Atlántico (26), Meta (25) , La Guajira (12), Valle (11), Córdoba (8), Boyacá (6), Bolívar (5), Cauca (5), Norte de Santander (5), Cundinamarca (5), Magdalena (5), Santa Marta (3), Sucre (2), Antioquia (2), Chocó (1), Putumayo (1), Caquetá (1), Cesar (1) and Casanare (1).

After the first recorded case in Putumayo, only 5 departments of the country remain immune to the pathogen (Vichada, Guainía, Guaviare, Casanare and Vaupés).
