28 thousand food rations to some deceased


La Guajira and Chocó

The Comptroller’s Office specified that the Diari detected that of those 28,018 deliveries of rations to guardians of minors who appear in the databases as deceased, 4,548 were made in the department of La Guajira in the months of May, June and July.

Therefore, the Association of Educators of La Guajira, Asodegua, asked the authorities not to go unpunished and to punish the contractors involved.

“Our girls and boys must prevail over the petty interests of adults. This is one more negative example that motivates us to continue our fight for a better world ”, stated the organization.

It was also identified, it is read, that in Chocó 37 deliveries of food rations were made to 16 minors who appear in the database of the Registry as deceased.

Cease. In several departments, guardians of the minors who received the rations have multiple beneficiaries, which led to the generation of six alerts for 1,970 beneficiaries.

In Chimichagua, Cesar, for example, a woman claimed to be the mother of 172 boys and girls in that municipality, as well as a minor in the municipality of Fundación, Magdalena, receiving rations for all.

In this regard, the director of the Diari, María Rangel, warned: “The operators cannot continue to provide the rations to people whose identity documents indicate that they are reported as deceased.”

Icbf announced investigations and complaints

The Icbf issued a statement on Monday in which it is read that the director of the Colombian Family Welfare Institute, Lina Arbeláez, said that “from the first moment that services were made more flexible due to the pandemic, the institute requested accompaniment to the control organism”.

Likewise, he pointed out that the ICBF has not officially received the report from the General Comptroller’s Office “from whom it specifically requested support in the process of supervision and verification of early childhood operators who are in charge of taking the nutritional baskets to beneficiary families. ”.

Arbeláez insisted, in this regard, that “from day one, the ICBF made all the user databases and relevant information available to the Comptroller’s Office so that they could accompany us in this process and thus shield deliveries to our beneficiaries. ”.

In addition, he said that the entity has been working on the creation of tools to prevent operators from profiting from resources destined for children, such as the BienestarApp application and the Betto mechanism, “which are transparency vehicles so that contracting carried out by the institute, aimed at the care of Colombian children, is based on traceability and comprehensive scrutiny of resources.

In this sense, the official explained that “Betto incorporates artificial intelligence, the ability to use control algorithms in cybersecurity platforms, to give all the certainty to administrative contracting processes,” and added that those responsible will be investigated.
