2020 United States elections: Trump blocks congratulations from world leaders to Biden – US and Canada – International


The Donald Trump administration is blocking the messages that world leaders are sending to the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden.

This was pointed out by the television network ‘CNN’, which reported this November 11 that the State Department refuses to deliver dozens of messages sent to him by foreign leaders to Biden and his transition team.

(Keep reading: Trump’s efforts to slow the transition of power in the US).

Trump refuses to acknowledge his electoral defeat and has filed a series of lawsuits to reverse the election results, which have projected Biden as the winner.

State Department officials familiar with this situation They told ‘CNN’ that messages for Biden started coming in last weekend, when his victory was confirmed.

The State Department typically arranges communications with presidents-elect, but the Trump administration has denied its transition team access to the funds, information and contacts necessary to begin that task. Biden, however, has held talks with world leaders such as German Chancellor Angela Merkel; the French President, Emmanuel Macron; the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, or his Irish counterpart, Micheál Martin.

(Also read: US Attorney General Authorizes Election Investigations).

The first foreign leader to speak to Biden to congratulate him on his victory last Monday was Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.. He also did it with the prime ministers of Japan, Yoshihide Suga, of Australia, Scott Morrison, and with the president of South Korea, Moon Jae-in, according to his team.

Justin trudeau

Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

The number of countries that have not yet recognized Biden has been shrinking, but includes the two main powers of Latin America – Mexico and Brazil – as well as Russia and China. Biden has made all of these calls without the help of the State Department, as is common in other US government transitions.

(You may be interested in: Why is it said that Joe Biden’s path will not be easy in America?).

The Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, surprised on November 10 by assuring in a press conference, when asked about the lack of collaboration with Biden’s team, that in the United States there will be “a smooth transition” to a second term under Donald Trump. Pompeo noted that “the votes are still being counted” and the process is expected to be completed.

The lawsuits the Trump campaign has filed take place in disputed states over vote counts, alleging widespread electoral fraud, without any evidence to prove it.

Donald trump

President Donald Trump spoke of electoral fraud since before the voting began.


Brendan Smialowski. AFP

To win the elections in the courts, Trump should turn around the scrutiny in Pennsylvania, Georgia and Nevada or Arizona, all of them states in which Biden has already been declared the winner or clearly leads the scrutiny.

(Read also: The controversial oil exploration project in Alaska that Trump would leave ready).

According to the latest counts, Biden has 290 delegates in the electoral college, above the magic number of 270 that gives victory, while Trump has 217 and 42 are left to decide.

Biden’s new move towards his tenure

Joe Biden announced on the night of November 11 the appointment of his veteran adviser Ron Klain, a strong critic of Donald Trump’s handling of the pandemic, as his next White House chief of staff.

The president-elect said in a statement that Klain has been an “invaluable” advisor, highlighting in particular the work they did together during the 2009 economic crisis and the 2014 Ebola outbreak. “His wide and varied experience and ability to work with people from across the political spectrum is precisely what I need in a White House chief of staff facing this moment of crisis and uniting our country again, “he added.

Klain, a lawyer by profession, has worked with Biden since the late 1980s, served as his chief of staff in his early years as vice president in the Barack Obama administration (2009–2017), and coordinated the Ebola response at the House. Blanca in 2014.

