2020 United States elections: China congratulates Biden


“We respect the choice of the American people. We send our congratulations to Biden and (the vice-president-elect) Harris, ”the spokesman for Chinese diplomacy, Wang Wenbin, told the press.

While many leaders around the world congratulated former vice president of Barack Obama on November 7, China delayed until this Friday to acknowledge his victory, as it stated that it wanted to wait for the final results of the vote.

The spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated this Friday that the result of the US election would be “Confirmed in accordance with the laws and procedures in force in the United States”.

The slow pace of the Chinese (and Russian) reaction may suggest that Beijing was betting on a re-election of Donald Trump, perceived in China as someone who has weakened his country and the West, despite the fact that he contributed widely to deteriorate relations between both powers. , for example, through the launching of a trade war.

Outgoing President Donald Trump has yet to admit defeat

The attitude of the president of Trump of not admitting his defeat before Joe Biden, is it a coup in progress or a mere spectacle? In this golden age of conspiracy theories, there is no consensus.

Donald Trump is exercising his right to complain that the vote count showing that his Democratic rival Joe Biden had a narrow margin victory contains errors.

The results of many elections in the United States have been as tight as those of November 3, but no president who lost reported that the election was stolen or refused to concede victory to his adversary.

Vladimir Putin has yet to congratulate Joe Biden

The Kremlin indicated that Vladimir Putin awaits the announcement of the official result of the presidential election in the United States to congratulate the winner, since the victory of Democrat Joe Biden is questioned by Donald Trump.

“We believe that it is correct to wait for the official results of the elections that took place. I want to recall that President Putin said on several occasions that he will respect the choice of the American people whatever it may be, “Russian presidential spokesman Dmitri Peskov told the press.

Putin had congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in 2016 just over an hour after US media projections gave him the winner. Peskov said that at “that time there was no judicial questioning” of the result.

Brazil and Mexico have not ruled on Joe Biden’s victory

The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, one of the few heads of state in the world who have not congratulated Democrat Joe Biden on his electoral victory in the United States, ironically asked a supporter on Thursday: “But, is it over? are the elections over? “

The president, called the ‘tropical Trump’, because of his alignment with the current Republican president, referred to Biden on Tuesday, without mentioning it, when he warned him that Brazil has “gunpowder”, alluding to statements by the Democrat during the campaign in which threatened the Brazilian government with “significant economic consequences” if it continues to deforest the Amazon.

For his part, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, said earlier this week that waiting for the official pronouncement of the result of the elections in the United States does not mean that he supports the allegations of “fraud” made by President Donald Trump.

“Waiting does not mean that we are going to be guaranteeing that there was fraud, we do not know that; nor does it correspond to us, that has to be known by the competent authority or the judges in the United States ”, clarified the leftist president in his usual morning conference.

The leaders who have congratulated Biden

The governments of European powers such as the United Kingdom, France and Germany did not wait long after Joe Biden’s victory was declared last Saturday and called him personally to congratulate him.

Even, French President Emmanuel Macron had a longer conversation with the US president-elect. and expressed his desire to “revitalize the bilateral and transatlantic ties, especially through NATO and the European Union”, which often suffered during the government of Donald Trump.

At the call from German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the two leaders agreed on the fact that transatlantic collaboration is of great importance given the many global challenges.

Finally, on the same Tuesday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson expressed his desire to “strengthen the partnership” between the two countries.

“I just spoke to @JoeBiden to congratulate him on his election,” tweeted the head of the Conservative government, who was a close ally of Donald Trump.

Johnson referred to his ‘friend’ Trump as “the previous president”, which did not go unnoticed on social media, as evidenced by the following trill:
