Younger to die for Covid-19 in Rio, student dreamed of becoming a doctor


RIO – The coronavirus made Tuesday the youngest victim in the state of Rio. Kamilly Ribeiro, 17, died after spending 20 days in the ICU of the Moacir do Carmo Hospital, in Duque de Caxias, in Baixada Fluminense. It was tested in March, but the result took nine days to complete.

The teenager had no pre-existing illnesses and was admitted to the hospital with her mother. Kamilly was brought to CTI the same day. Her mother, who also tested positive, has now recovered. The young woman’s social networks were flooded with testimonies from friends and family. In them, they say that Kamilly dreamed of becoming a doctor.

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A friend of Kamilly’s said that a few days before she was diagnosed, she asked her friends and family to respect social isolation:

– The last time we saw each other, she said she was preparing to try the medicine. My record has not yet fallen with dreams interrupted by a virus. He even posted asking everyone to stay home. She was a great girl, “said Juliana Oliveira.

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Kamilly studied at the Colégio Estadual Barão de Mauá, in Xerém. Studious and religious, she would try to take the Enem exam this year for a medical school. Friends of Kamilly also said that their goal was to study in Petropolis, since the way back to university would be less dangerous. After being diagnosed, she even texted a friend asking her to pray for her.

Caxias was one of the last cities in the Baixada to take measures of social isolation. The scene of crowded roads and establishments during the start of the pandemic drew attention for days, despite the fact that Washington Reis, at the time, claimed to have rounds to contain this behavior. The city already has 121 confirmed cases and 20 deaths. Reis also contracted the disease and was transferred yesterday to the ICU of the Pró-Cardíaco Hospital, in Botafogo.

For the second consecutive day, the city of Rio recorded the highest number of deaths in 24 hours from coronavirus since the start of the pandemic: 27. There are now 167 deaths in the city alone, with 52 in the municipal health system. Copacabana is the neighborhood with the most deaths, but the West Zone begins to appear in this sad statistic. Campo Grande shares with Tijuca the second highest number of deaths, 9 each, but it is only the seventh with the most cases.

The West Zone is a “time bomb”, with cases of coronavirus about to explode, according to experts

The perception that the carioca loosened his social distance in the last days it can be confirmed by the numbers. The monitoring carried out by the City of Rio shows that the West Zone was the region that was most concentrated crowds, without respecting the recommendation of quarantine. The number of cases registered in the region is not yet high, but, for the specialists heard by GLOBO, it is a matter of time. The West Zone already has 1 in 4 cases registered in the city and 30% of deaths, but this number is expected to increase. Barra da Tijuca is the neighborhood with the most cases of Covid-19 confirmed in the state of Rio, with 178 cases.

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According to Flávio Codeço, biologist and professor at the Getúlio Vargas Foundation, the region is a “time bomb” because it has many people who go out to work in the central region of the city, in addition to the fact that there are communities with homes that make isolation difficult:

– These are neighborhoods that must be having a big broadcast, but are not showing up yet, due to the reduced amount of testing. The West Zone is a time bomb because it is a region in which there are many large communities with houses that make isolation measures difficult. In dengue, for example, where contact is not a transmission factor, it is a very affected area, he analyzes.

Lack of adherence to the masks in the crowds and movement in the Bangu points Photo: Fabiano Rocha / Fabiano Rocha
Lack of adherence to the masks in the crowds and movement in the Bangu points Photo: Fabiano Rocha / Fabiano Rocha

A partnership between the municipality of Rio and Tim allows Operations center (COR) to detect crowds in the city using cellular signals. Yesterday, the peak of concentration of people was at 10 am in Jacarepaguá, with almost 8 thousand simultaneous signals. The day before yesterday, the champion was Santa Cruz, with 3,860 people around 3 in the afternoon.

Bangu’s walk yesterday was crowded. Although the formal business was behind closed doors, street vendors took over the place. A crowd also turned to a Caixa Econômica agency in the neighborhood to try to regularize the CPF and register with the federal government’s aid program.

During the Easter holidays, the neighborhoods of the West Zone were also leaders in agglomeration. On Friday, Cosmos, Jacarepaguá, Bangu, Santa Cruz and Campo Grande led the concentration of people. On Sunday, Ilha do Fundão (Northern Zone), Bangu, Santa Cruz, São Cristóvão (Northern Zone) and Guaratiba.

The region also concentrates the largest number of complaints about agglomerations. The city council channel that receives reports has already answered more than 2,000 calls, an average of 150 per day. The most popular neighborhoods are: Campo Grande, Centro, Bangu, Realengo, Tijuca, Santa Cruz, Barra da Tijuca, Copacabana, Taquara and Recreio.

West zone alert:Barra da Tijuca has more cases of coronavirus than 10 states and 72 countries

Pulmonologist: the mask should be used even outdoors

For the pulmonologist and researcher Margareth Dalholm, from Fiocruz National School of Public Health, it is necessary to reinforce the importance of social isolation in the West Zone:

– We have no doubt that the engines of growth are for these areas. Local leaders must try to raise public awareness. It will not only increase the number of cases, but also the number of deaths.

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It also warns of the need to wear a mask and avoid crowds, even in open environments like open markets:

– We still have cultural difficulties in wearing the mask, but they are gradually decreasing. It is an illusion to think that outdoors you are protected from the virus. If a person speaks less than two meters away, they can become infected, he says.

Another survey by the artificial intelligence company. Cyberlabs, which calculates the movement of people on the streets through video surveillance of public roads in Rio, circulation has increased in Jacarepaguá, Centro and Barra da Tijuca during the past week. The company monitors through 400 cameras spread throughout the city. In Ipanema, Leblon, Copacabana and Botafogo a reduction in movement was noted.
