Known for having worked for decades as the director of TV Globo, Okay he said admiring the balance of Silvio Santos, owner of SBT who recently turned 90 and celebrated the date with some family members at a private party.
“He always fled from competing with Globo. He did not want to be a leader, but to have a vehicle to sell his products. The seller was stronger than the television entrepreneur “, the professional analyzed in an interview with the journalist Felipe Pinheiro, from the UOL.
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However, celebrities did not skimp on criticism either. “He never had the courage to do great journalism. He did it because he had to. He did a little of everything. He did not do anything that was important to the history of Brazilian television, except himself ”., Shooting.
Regarding the controversies involving the owner of the Chest, Boni was also categorical. “He is above good and evil. It is evident that with the consciousness that people have today, it no longer fits. You can’t play with these things anymore. I think he thinks they see it as a joke. But there is no more racist, homophobic joke … This is over “, he concluded.