Year-end parties and events will be prohibited in Ceará; business hours will be extended | Coronavirus in Fortaleza, Ceará and the world


The news of the special decree in Ceará was announced by Governor Camilo Santana (Photo: Barbara Moira)

The news of the special decree in Ceará was announced by Governor Camilo Santana (Photo: Barbara Moira)

Between December 15 and January 4, it will be in effect at Ceara one decree special for Christmas and New Years, to prevent further spread of COVID-19 in the parties end of the year, at a time when the transmission of the disease has increased in the State. Document, to be published at the end of this Friday 11, expands the calendar operating Commerce to avoid crowds and offer more options to the public. Parties and social and corporate events are prohibited during the term of the decree.

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“The objective is to stop the spread of the virus, until we have the vaccine, the acquisition of which we are doing everything possible to achieve as quickly as possible,” announced Governor Camilo Santana. According to the head of the state Executive, the planning was done respecting health standards and “seeking to preserve the economy and employment to the greatest extent possible.”

The decision was announced after the meeting of the Committee that decides on the decrees related to the pandemic in the State. The current decree of social isolation will continue in the same way and will be extended for another week without changes.
