Xbox Series V appears on the Internet and could be a digital version of Series X


Microsoft’s next-gen family of consoles could grow even further. Images of the supposed Xbox Series V appeared on the networks and may indicate the middle ground between the two versions already announced, apparently being a digital version of Series X.

The one who shared the new rumors was a Twitter user, who posted a photo taken from the computer screen showing the alleged Series V.

Still according to the user, when it comes to the power of the devices, the V Series is the middle ground between the X and the S Series. The image posted on the social network still suggests that this version would be totally digital, since It is not possible to see there is no disc input on the front of the console.

While Series X and S were known to Microsoft as ‘Anaconda’ and ‘Lockhart’ projects, respectively, in July a third codename appeared on the Xbox One operating system, called ‘Edinburgh’.

The green side of the force has yet to manifest under the Edinburgh name as of yet, further reinforcing that the Xbox Series V may be the third choice among the other two consoles already announced by the company.

(Source: The Verge / Reproduction)(Source: The Verge / Reproduction)

However, it is still important to note that Microsoft has yet to officially comment on the possible new console, so I ask you to consider the above information as a rumor.

What did you think of the supposed Xbox Series V? If I could guess I would say that it is, in fact, an X Series digital option and with the same firepower; and you? Discuss with us in the comment section below!
