Would you eliminate Arthur, Lumena or Projota? – POPline


Wall night at Big Brother Brasil. Arthur, Lumens me Projota dispute and public preference this week. Carla diaz, who attended Big Fone on Saturday (27), indicated Lumens, Fiuk me Rodolffo to the wall, beginning the indications.

Leader João Luiz chose Projota, their main fight inside the house. The rapper was able to save one of the ‘brothers’ indicated by Carla and chose to save Fiuk. The house decided to indicate Arthur with 6 votes.

Hit and twist

The competition was contested by all the bricked up, except Projota – indicated by the leader. The round trip for the week consisted of a dynamic called “Lollipop of Luck.” Whoever found the golden-handled lollipop was safe from the wall. Rodolffo was the lucky one to remove lollipop “1” from the holder.


Big Fone was attended by Carla Díaz: Lumena, Fiuk and Rodolffo.

Lead nominee: Projota

Saved from the wall by the leader’s nominee: Fiuk

Indicated by the house: Arthur

Saved in Bate e Volta: Rodolffo

Wall: Arthur, Lumena and Projota. Vote in our poll:
